Sunday 11 December 2005

These blues, shopping and BBQ's

I am on a real downer at the moment. It started on Friday and it's just been there in the background. I know it's not cool, but I really don't know what to do about it. I got my results back. Failed one subject. Really sucks if I can't change my lecturer's mind, coz I'll have to go back to uni for another six months to do 1 subject. Erk. I really just don't know what to do anymore, and it's frustrating because I should. I suppose the only thing really to do is get into God.

I see myself slipping further and further away from what should be, without anyway of changing. I've been getting really frustrated with everything lately, getting cut really easily, and I know it's not a good thing, but I just can't seem to do anything about it. Switchfoot's song - These Blues off their Nothing is Sound album sums it up rather nicely. 'Is this the new year, or just another desperation. Is there anything at all besides these blues.'

Going to have Youth Band break-up tomorrow. Should be pretty good, we're doing a kris-kringle BBQ, I've been pumped all week for it, but at the moment, all I really want to do is go home and sleep. I have to do my Christmas shopping sometime this week before I go up to Brisbane to see my folks. Should be fun...I like shopping, what can I say? Yeah, word for the day: Hebeashebea...was being spontaneous. It seems to be what I do best. :P

Cheerio, D-Man

Sunday 4 December 2005

Smashed upside the face

Isn't it amazing how so often we can get caught up in our own lives, unaware of things happening around us, and then all of a sudden our protective bubble gets smashed and all we have left to hold on to is the promises of God? Hmmm...yeah, well that's happened to me this week. Stuff I thought I could handle, I obviously can't and now I keep dwelling on it instead of giving it to God. Kinda sucks for me I suppose, I'm pretty smashed at the moment and have given any expectations for the future back to God. I have no idea what to do, except trust that God will get me through this.

In other news, I'm going up to Brisbane for two weeks over Christmas, kinda looking forward to seeing the folks and dreading the weather at the same time, but hey. Anyway, sorry to bog you down with all that.

Until next time, D-Man

Monday 28 November 2005

Random tests rock

Don't you just love random tests...this one was kinda interesting and a bit freaky...not completely correct though...

***The Keys to Your Heart***

You are attracted to good manners and elegance.
In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.
You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance.
Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.

What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

Sorry to just leave you with that...I haven't been able to write anything REALLY interesting lately, but I'll try in the near future so stay posted...(or you could just post )

Anyhoo, Cheerio, D-Man

Wednesday 23 November 2005

Woot! New photos!!

Yes! Finally! I have new photos for my blog, from camp, the bonfire and a random night at Phil's them out!! I will add descriptions when I have time, (been kind of stealing seconds to put them up...)

Cheerio, D-Man

Monday 21 November 2005

Exams = done

Well, it's done, all exams are finished, thank goodness, I don't really feel a sense of achievement though, this last week has been really hectic and I'm just tired. So much stuff keeps happening in my life, I haven't had a normal week for about 7 months.

In other news: Giant cockroaches invade New York!! No really! I'm joking...yeah...

I can play piano heaps better now though, I can finally sight read chords and figure out bars of other stuff, starting to do a little bit of improv, not much yet though...aww yeah. I am completely baffled as to why I was able to pick up the piano so much in a matter of 3 or so months.

Hmm, so much entire perception on life has changed in the last 6 months and it's hard to keep up with stuff anymore....all just part of growing up I suppose.

More when I get it, D-Man

Wednesday 16 November 2005

Cards, Dreams, Uni life, and other situations

A helluva lot of crap has been happening in my life lately, I think God has got me in the right place though, because I've been at almost perfect peace in these situations. I've been praying about it heaps and giving stuff to God, trying to make sure that I'm following His will and not acting out of my own desires. I think I'm under attack at the moment, but I have no idea why, except that maybe I'm on the right track. Damn it cuts though...makes me angry :)...yeah, but anyway, gotta keep praying, what else can I do?

Found a bible passage the other day that summed it pretty much up for me, 2 Timothy 3:1-9, New Century Version:

"1 Remember this! In the last days there will be many troubles, 2 because people will love themselves, love money, brag, and be proud. They will say evil things against others and will not obey their parents or be thankful or be the kind of people God wants. 3 They will not love others, will refuse to forgive, will gossip, and will not control themselves. They will be cruel, will hate what is good, 4 will turn against their friends, and will do foolish things without thinking. They will be conceited, will love pleasure instead of God, 5 and will act as if they serve God but will not have His power. Stay away from those people. 6 Some of them go into homes and get control of silly women who are full of sin and are led by many evil desires. 7 These women are always learning new teachings, but they are never able to understand the truth fully. 8 Just as Jannes and Jamres were against Moses, these people are against the truth. Their thinking has been ruined, and they have failed in trying to follow the faith. 9 But they will not be successful in what they do, because as with Jannes and Jambres, everyone will see that they are foolish."

I wrote out my dreams for the future the other day, as well as my vision, mission and purpose (all four are correlated) made me realize that there is so much more to it that I hadn't previously realized. A lot of stuff is going to have to happen that isn't even really related to my main dream before it can really come to pass. God's gonna have to do a crapload in my life, but that's good for me.

I have a ton of assignment work to do and not enough time to really do it in, unfortunately all my assignments are due in week 12...this week being week 11, erk...but hey, when it's over it's over....awwww yeah.

I've been having funky dreams lately, can't really remember them except that they weren't quite right, except for this one I had on Monday night last week, it was so vivid! For instance walking along a road for hours and hours and actually remembering everything that happened rather than in a normal dream where you might be walking and it would cut to the next scene with the impression that time had passed. There was this one point in the dream were (and I won't go into specifics because it's to personal) someone made it clear to me that I should be very careful about who I give my heart to, and I replied that I would give it to the person that God had for me and no one else, which they accepted. I think it was God inspired myself, just because of the timing, the vividness, the fact that I can still remember it after a week, the fact that God was in my dream (probably has to be a first for me), and yeah, just the stuff that was happening in my life at the time.

Oh and Phase Ten (aka Frustration) the card game is a totally awesome game...(so's card house building, got to 14.5 stories the other day..beat my dad's record of 14 finally!! woot!!) had heaps of fun with of over the last week. tis the shiznit....say that really fast 10 times and I'll give you a gold star :)

But anyhoo, I better let you get back to your mundane non-blogginess life :P Stay totally awesome for a while at least...
Cheerio, D-Man

...sorry no proverb today...I did have one...really...but I forgot...erk...yeah...maybe next time...

Monday 7 November 2005

The end of it all....finally!

Almost exams, I'm going through study week at the moment, soon, my pretties, soon it will all be over! *manic laugh* ...or something...anyways, life is coasting at the moment. The good the bad and the not so ugly have all happened and continue to happen daily, but hey, thats life. All in all it's a good life.

I've been going through a bit of one of "those times", but God's getting me through it, heaps of stuff has happened recently, and I've been getting worn down...feeling like I've had a woolen blanket wrapped around my head, and that I'm not good enough and all of that crap that happens when you just don't really have enough energy to do anything or feel anything. Been really focusing on my role in relationships with people and what God wants me to step up and be as I become a man. It seems like He's been revealing a bunch of things to me.

This Sunday was was Monday for that matter, but yeah, the pastor spoke on simply abiding in Christ, letting God do all the work in You to help you become more in step with the Spirit, good stuff, and hard to put into practice if you're like me and easily become to focused on what you can do. I we just focus on relying on God in everything we do, and work on our relationship with God, then the change that happens is a by-product of that work, not on anything we as a human can affect.

Cheerio, D-Man

Tuesday 1 November 2005

Faith and fiestas

These last few weeks have been quite hectic (as you probably gathered from the last few entries.) I've been going through some stuff dealing with faith and doubts and holding onto the promises of God through it all. I believe that God is really trying to get me to step up in this area, it's been quite an interesting journey.

I've been learning that you don't have to have all the answers to hold onto something by faith. In fact the less answers and more opposition to the promise, the greater your faith needs to be to hold onto it...

At the moment I have a bit of a headache, and am finishing off my last assignment for the semester..gotta be happy with that...I still haven't really recovered from last week's work fest.

Listening to Radial Angel's - Suddenly Maybe ...damn good song (big fan :P)...

On Sunday I went to the Fiesta they had down in Creswick...was alright...except that it was to sunny! I dislike the sun immensely :)...not because I'm one of those guys who hides inside all the time behind a pc or whatever...just because I have pretty sensitive skin and 5 minutes out in the sun is enough to give me a sunburn...yeah...awkward...anyway..I went on one of those trampoline bungee things..It was fun for the first 2 minutes then I was absolutely stuffed! It uses a lot of strength in your wrists and legs in places that I didn't even know about! Worth the experience though. They had this police band there that went off! The drummer was cool, sang Vertigo - U2 from behind the drum kit! Awwww yeah, that takes skill..I reckon drums are one of the hardest instruments to sing and play at the same time...just in my opinion though.

Don't you love the way that songs can recall memories (for me) stronger than a heck of a lot of other things...Switchfoot - Meant to Live reminds me of camp last year, and Building 429 - No One Else Knows reminds me of camp this year, and I'm suddenly filled with a sense of loss at...damn I miss camp, those were some of the best times I've had....

Cheerio, Damian

Thursday 27 October 2005

Second Allnighter

Woot for me! This is my 30th blog entry...I have been a busy bee...

Well, having survived my first attempt to get some work done...barely...I have decided to do it again!! Oh joy! First a recap. Got about 8 hours sleep that night, so not to bad, but not a catch up by any means. I had the shakes probably the worst I've ever had them yesterday, but Youth group was fun :) ...except that everyone was teasing me for having ...good hands... *blush* ... yeah anyway. I went for a drive with Widget, could barely keep my eyes open let alone focus on what he was saying so yeah we finally called it a night and I started on the best part of that day..unconsciousness...awwwww yeah!!! Which brings me to this point! er..if you leave out the rest that is. Anyway, staying at uni again tonight, so I'll be leaving another hour by hour update in this entry.

9:25PM Well once again I'm in this lab..not quite the same PC row away. All is quiet, except for this guy on his phone. It's pretty much the same as last night? time....thing...a bunch of Indians are in here...I'm decked out in cds, workbooks, drinks, etc. only difference is I had less sleep to start the day on. My water is half full again. I just received two photos from this years youth camp (thanks a bunch, Jess, you rock!) So yeah, check 'em out...

10:51PM I'm actually feeling pretty good at the moment, it looks like I could actually finish this assignment tonight! Woot! A bunch of Indians have arrived, so the noise level is up a bit, but not too bad. I'm not actually to tired at the moment so I don't think I'll open my energy drinks for a few hours. I got two red eyes since the v yesterday left me with the shakes hardcore...lasted ALL day!!! kinda sucked. I swear, the effects seem to get worse and worse every time I have v.

11:50PM Yes, ten minutes before tomorrow..muhahaa. Not much happening still, even more Indians rocked up (these guys are hardcore when it comes to work apparently) My spontaneous message to everyone on the network kinda backfired when I got heaps of replies from people wanting to start 15min convos..doh, ah well. I've always wanted to do that since I came to uni.

12:58AM So yeah, time for another update. Currently listening to Switchfoot's new album 'Stars' for lack of anything better to listen to. My assignment is starting to click for me, even though I'm stuck on a particular part. Awww yeah. Might need to 'bustamove' soon...(find a bathroom for all you unenlightened heathens...yeah..I know what YOU were thinkin'). Having trouble getting another assignment working..a mate's trying to get it working at home and having trouble which means I get the wonderful wonderful job of troubleshooting via MSN...yep...

1:54AM Tonight seems way more productive for me than last time...although I seem to be getting a headache, and I keep seeing flashes out of the corner of my eye...and it's SO DAMN HOT IN HERE!!!! erk...

3:02AM Well, my assignment is getting frustrating, but at least I'm getting through it, and still got about 5-6 hours to work on it so it's all good. I'm really in the zone to work tonight I awesome....I feel it's time to be slightly FACE!!! buy!

3:55AM Gah! So full of energy...I hate it! Always have hated that feeling of excitement just before something happens..its a pointless waste of body reserves, since you can't do anything with it but wait anyway, all it serves to do is make you really frustrated with how slowly everything goes! In other news...about half of the Indians have left the building, and I'm SO CLOSE to finishing my assignment...FINALLY! I have also finished my first bottle of red eye, but I'll wait about 15 minutes before I crack open the next one.

5:11AM Stating to get a little tired now. I reckon I've held up pretty well considering. Only a few things left to do and I'm done..woot! Two more assignments to go before the end of the day and I'll be done assignments forever..FOREVER!!! I just opened my second bottle of red eye..already I can feel the unholy energy of this evil drink flowing through my veins, making me shake with false energy....or something...

6:10AM The cleaner guy just came in again, so I guess this all-nighter is close to a wrap up. Here's to a very productive night..and I mean very productive....I got craploads done! Awwww yeah...thanks to God, energy drinks, Google, and Darcy, who was working on the same subject and didn't mind me asking him n00bish questions all night via MSN, you're a champ man ;)

7:27AM: Well, this is the last entry in my second all-nighter word, huh, I just made it up then. The sun is shining and whereas some last minute stuff a popped up in my assignment, I think I can manage to have it fixed before 5:30 so all's well that ends well...I've had Lifehouse playing round and round for the last 3-4's good, but it gets really old after you listen to it too much. Mmm breakfast of...whats this? Another apricot pie bar! Egad! Oh as a side note...over the period of this night I reached my 600th view..woot! Yeah exciting, can really tell I had a good night... :)

Cheerio, one tired lil monkey... *yawn*

Tuesday 25 October 2005

First All-nighter and boredom

What can I say...pulling an all nighter at uni can leave you very bored. It is 9:37PM at the moment and the future is looking gray...I haven't opened my energy drinks yet, and probably won't do so until at least 1:00AM...I'll keep updating this entry until the by tomorrow this should be an interesting entry...I hope...

001. I miss somebody right now.
002. I watch more tv than I used to.
003. I love chocolate
004. I love sleeping.
005. I own lots of books/magazines
006. I wear glasses or contact lenses.
007. I love to play video games.
008. I’ve tried marijuana.
009. I’ve watched porn movies
010. I have been in a threesome.
011. I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship!
012. I believe honesty is the best policy.
013. I have freckle free skin
014. I like and respect Al Sharpton. (who?)
015. I curse frequently.
016. I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.
017. I have a hobby.
018. I’ve been told I have a nice butt.
019. I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me 020. I've never broken anyone elses bones.
022. I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.
023. I love rain
024. I'm paranoid at times.
025. I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
026. I need money right now. (who doesn't?)
027. I love sushi.
028. I talk really, really fast sometimes.
029. I have fresh breath in the morning.
030. I have semi-long hair.
031. I have lost money in Las Vegas.
032. I have at least one brother and/or sister.
033. I was born in a country outside of the U.S
034. I shave my legs.
035. I have a twin. (I wish)
037. I couldn't survive without Caller I.D.
038. I like the way I look.
039. I have lied to a good friend in the past 6 months.
040. I know how to do cornrows.
041. I am usually pessimistic.
042. I have mood swings.
043. I think prostitution should be illegal.
044. I think Britney Spears is pretty/hot. (
045. I have cheated on a significant other.
046. I have a hidden talent.
047. I’m always hyper no matter how much sugar I have.
048. I think that I’m popular.
049. I am currently single.
050. I have kissed someone of the same sex.
051. I enjoy talking on the phone.
052. I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
053. I love to shop.
054. I would rather shop than eat.
055. I would classify myself as ghetto
056. I’m bourgie and have worn a sweater tied around my shoulders.
057. I’m obsessed with my blog!
058. I don’t hate anyone.
059. I’m a pretty good dancer. (Not yet)
060. I don’t think Mike Tyson raped Desiree Washington
061. I’m completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
062. I have a mobile.
063. I watch MTV on a daily basis.
065. I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
067. I have never been in a real relationship before.
068. I’ve rejected someone before.
069. I currently have a crush on someone.
070. I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
071. I want to have children in the future either adopted/blood related.
072. I have changed a diaper before.
073. I’ve had the cops called on me before.
074. I bite my nails.
075. I’m not allergic to anything deadly.

10:06PM ....Mark Schultz - He's My Son ....that's a damn FREAKIN AWESOME SONG! Gives me chills every time I hear it..

11:07PM hey, almost an hour exactly since my last entry. Well not much has happened...I'm starting to get dry eyes because of the heat in this lab..and my water's only half full....but yeah nothing substantial.
An old poem of mine, doesn't have a name...I wrote it during a difficult period of my can probably guess the subject:

So many words caught up in my head, so many feelings and not enough said
For a moment so brief, you were there, helping me fly, helping me care

If you had tears, we would have cried together, if we had years, we would have lived forever
But the for irony of life not meant to be, the call of duty that called me away

Captivated lives, painfully aware, of things not said, of things not fair
Oh for another chance to do this right, but no, cannot think, cannot fight

To live without you, in this slow death, a life of loneliness in recompense
For a love, but a love lost also, a captivating thought, a single rose

Oh, for that perfect moment back again, where you and I were on track and when
I could run more than a thousand miles, just to be with you, just for a smile

"Fare thee well..." to a dear friend, life long dreams come to an end
For now, until we meet again, with broken hearts, each others to mend

So come with me now, to the completion, not enough done before life's conclusion
But hopefully enough learned to end a notion, that all you need in love is emotion

12:51AM Hmmm...I'm already getting a bit sluggish...might need to take a bit of a walk soon. The lab I'm in has about 10 Indian guys in here working on what appears to be Internet Design or something. Might crack open a bottle of the ol' red eye very shortly. The night life on MSN is very disappointing to say the least! Only a few uni people are convos for me I guess...

1:45AM I've decided that I dislike Systems Programming immensely...why on earth is it even a core unit? It should be a specialist stream! It's not like the average Computing graduate is going to need to know how to write his own shells in UNIX after all! I don't have a problem with general programming Programming 1-3 but this is just crap. In other news, I've had a real craving for DC Talk and Newboys over the last few months...I really really want to get a copy of some cds!

2:42AM Been drinking a mouthful of red eye every 20 minutes or has to last roughly 4 hours and then I can start on my V..which also has to last 4 headphones sound like crap for some reason, but only when one of the sides is on..when both are on it sounds fine...weird...anyway...back to work....

3:42AM Really feeling it now, started to drift a few minutes ago. Must...resist...temptation! Garlantian wait!! Yeah anyway, I gotta keep a hold of sanity before I blaze a trail to destruction...Might need to get up and go for a walk soon...heidiho! Getting a bit peckish...I KNEW I should have brought a pack of timtams with me...doh...

4:46AM Woot! Only 3 3/4 hours to go until 8:30AM! Finished my red eye, onto the V now...also finished a self-assessment on being a team quite shocked at some of the outcome scores, high and low...

5:58AM Erg...starting to drift again...time for some more V. The cleaners just came in and gave the place a rundown...rather unusual, he doesn't usually come in until around 8:00...One of the Indian guys is asleep on a bed made of chairs...there's only 4 of them left. After all that I haven't really got much work done...I mean I have got a heap done, but not as much as I thought I would. Lucky I'm doing this again on Thursday & maybe Friday night.

6:46AM Well, the last hour has been pretty uneventful...the Indian guy woke up, a few more came in. At the moment it look's like they're arguing over something...Oh did you know that if you go to Google or somewhere and use the language translation tool numerous times on the same phrase, it gets pretty messed up after a while...

7:35AM This concludes my all-nighter..whereas I wouldn't usually get up until around 8:00 and get to Uni by 9:30, what is two more hours anyway? Mmm.. breakfast of an apricot pie bar!? (random) And an orange juice..awwww yeah, it's like..all the comforts of home delivered right to your couch..I mean work desk. Those energy drinks are having their usual coming off side effects...the shakes, drowsiness, and possibly a headache later, but hey...couldn't survive without them right? right? anyways..

Until next time (hopefully not to soon), Cheerio D-Man

My Space

Hey guys, just got a new it out: Find me on MySpace and be my friend!

Yeah, it's not much...yet...keep on checking this space for updates...

In other news...hmmm...I did have something, but it's gone, maybe next time


Monday 10 October 2005

Problems & Piano

Well, what's happening in my life? The confusion meter ticked up a few points in the last week. Ever been going on your merry way through life and something happens and just like that, you've been blown out of the sky and your falling? Yeah, well that happened to me today...kinda sucked! Garrr!! *sigh* God's will be done is all I can say, I don't think there's really anything I can do about it at the moment.

I picked up the piano a few weeks ago (not literally..ouch!)...piano rocks!! Can't believe I haven't ever really gotten into it before. According to some people I have a real talent for it...but then these people always say that, and they're biased about almost everything I do..(please don't hurt me! It's the truth!)..anyways I'll start making my own judgments in a few years methinks. I can play Planetshakers "Evermore" properly now though, and Tim Hughes "Here I am to Worship"'s awesome!

Proverb of the day: "If God says you can, then who's gonna stop you?"

Sunday 2 October 2005

God's love letter

Hey guys, just thought I'd share this with you all, I got it at camp and it really encouraged me and still continues to do so....

My child...
You may not know me, but I know everything about you...Psalm 139:1
I know when you sit down and when you rise up...Psalm 139:2
I am familiar with all your ways...Psalm 139:3
Even the vary hairs on your head are numbered...Matthew 10:29-31
For you were made in my image...Genesis 1:27
For you are my offspring...Acts 17:28
I knew you even before you were conceived...Jeremiah 1:4-5
I chose you when I planned creation...Ephesians 1:11-12
You were not a mistake, for all your days are written in my book...Psalm 139:15-16
I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live...Acts 17:26
You are fearfully and wonderfully made...Psalm 139:14
I knit you together in your mother's womb...Psalm 139:13
And brought you forth on the day you were born...Psalm 71:6
I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me...John 8:41-44
I am not distant and angry, but am the complete expression of love...1 John 4:16
And it is my desire to lavish my love on you...1 John 3:1
Simply because you are my child and I am your father...1 John 3:1
I offer you more than your earthly father ever could...Matthew 7:11
For I am the perfect father...Matthew 5:48
Every good gift that you receive comes from my hand...James 1:17
For I am your provider and I meet all your needs...Matthew 6:31-33
My plan for your future has always been filled with hope...Jeremiah 29:11
Because I love you with an everlasting love...Jeremiah 31:3
My thoughts towards you are countless as the sand on the seashore...Psalm 139:17-18
And I rejoice over you with singing...Zephaniah 3:17
I will never stop doing good to you...Jeremiah 32:40
For you are my treasured possession...Exodus 19:5
I desire to establish you with all my heart and all my soul...Jeremiah 32:41
And I want to show you great and marvelous things...Jeremiah 33:3
If you seek me with all your heart, you will find me...Deuteronomy 4:29
Delight in me and I will give you the desires of your heart...Psalm 37:4
For it is I who gave you those desires...Philippians 2:13
I am able to do more for you than you could possibly imagine...Ephesians 3:20
For I am your greatest encourager...2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
I am also the Father who comforts you in all your troubles...2 Corinthians 1:3-4
When you are broken-hearted, I am close to you...Psalm 34:18
As a shepherd carries a lamb, I have carried you close to my heart...Isaiah 40:11
One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes...Revelation 21:3-4
And I'll take away all the pain you have suffered on this earth...Revelation 21:3-4
I am your Father, and I love you even as I love my son, Jesus...John 17:23
For in Jesus, my love for you is revealed...John 17:26
He is the exact representation of my being...Hebrews 1:3
He came to demonstrate that I am for you, not against you...Romans 8:31
And to tell you that I am not counting your sins...2 Corinthians 5:18-19
Jesus died so that you and I could be reconciled...2 Corinthians 5:18-19
His death was the ultimate expression of my love for you...1 John 4:10
I gave up everything I loved that I might gain your love...Romans 8:31-32
If you receive the gift of my son Jesus, you receive me...1 John 2:23
And nothing will ever separate you from my love again...Romans 8:38-39
Come home and I'll throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen...Luke 15:7
I have always been Father, and will always be Father...Ephesians 3:14-15
My question is...Will you be my child?...John 1:12-13
I am waiting for you...Luke 15:11-32
Love, Your Dad Almighty God

Wow, awesome stuff, cheerio, D-Man

Tuesday 27 September 2005

God and Camp (aftermath)

Hi all, sorry it's taken so long to write another blog entry...
(not like I don't have enough already :P) anyway...

Camp was AWESOME!!!!! but incredibly tiring. I think I got around 3-4hrs of sleep per night, with very strenuous physical activities each day. The walks were my favorite part. I loved every minute of it don't get me wrong, but bush walking and night walking with my closest friends is the definite highlight of the week. It was awesome just being with everyone for 4 days straight, watching them grow (and there was a lot of growth) and just hanging. I love you guys ;)!!

Haha! We played the best game, everyone got in this largish square of bush, and were divided into 4 teams. 18 people were 'herbivores' meaning that their main goal was to stay alive and collect 'food' points. The next group were the 'carnivores' (10) and their main aim was to stay alive and 'eat' the herbivores but tagging them. The next group was the 'humans' (4) who hunt the animals with guns, so if they see a herbivore or carnivore they yell 'bang you're dead' and get a point. Then there was me.....I mean 'diseases' :P (3) We had the onerous job of tagging anything that moved. By the end of the game I was giving 10 second bursts of movement and them pretty much collapsing for a minute. Apparently I had all the signs of really bad dehydration by the end of the game, alls I know is I was so damn smashed I fell asleep almost instantly upon hitting the couch.

Coming back was the biggest downer, not only were my sleeping habits, dietary habits screwed but I seemed to get really tired really easily for the first 5 days, and no one is around! So boring!! Ah well, I've learned heaps from this camp and can't wait for the next one. God rocks!

There was a heap of stuff that I had to spend hours praying about after coming home, just to get peace about certain situations in my life and in the youth group at the moment, but God came through (as always). I'm not worried about them in the slightest anymore, because I know that everything comes together for the glory of God in the end, doesn't matter what the hell happens, God ALWAYS pulls through.

"Winning is great, but winning a friend is the best..." - Anonymous

Cheeri until next time, 'lil D-Man

Wednesday 14 September 2005


Haha, found a proverb for my last blog entry....

"80% of things we worry about never come to pass and the other 20% and half as bad as we think."

PS: Comments, comments, comments! Yes this means you!!

PPS: I need photos (of me)!! Can you send me some please!! Especially camp photos when you get 'em... ;)

God and camp

You ever been so exited about something (like Christmas for example) that you got really jittery? I have and I hate it!! lol, the patience required..erk.....hurry up camp!!!

I was watching this Matt Redman DVD last night, and Loui Giglio was speaking on worship and stuff. Was very good, challenging in some areas. I think he had it right though, I've always wondered why God created us and Loui touched upon the subject. God is a very unselfish, kind generous God. He is also full of Himself :) not in an arrogant way, but for God not to be full of God would make Him less than God....(it's confusing I know, any questions, ask away). God didn't create us because He was could He? He's with God the entire time. And to be with God means to be complete, he didn't create us because He was bored, how could you get bored by being with God? He created us because He in His generousness and complete unselfishness wanted to share some of His Godness, His greatness and awesomeness with someone other than Himself. How cool is that!!

Anyway, God, and camp are and are gonna be completely awesome!


Sorry no proverb, haven't been able to find any good ones lately.

Sunday 11 September 2005

Meaning of my name

Hey guys, I just found out the meaning of my name. It's origins are Greek and it means "tamer; divine power; fate."...How cool is that!!

Anyhoo, cheerio.

Friday 9 September 2005


So yeah, had snow this morning at about 9:30 which continued on and off until around 11:30..woot!! Second time it's snowed in around 8-10 years in Ballarat.

And now on to more interesting 'bout that sky today? Talk about white....a marsh mellow could get lost out there. Mmmhmm.
Oh yeah...Momentum was awesome by the ways. Had heaps of fun with Widget and Phil....aka Phatboy and Godzilla ;). Alan Meyer was awesome, as predicted and challenged all the guys in the room in someways I think.

Yep. So anyways, keep blogging and LEAVE ME SOME COMMENTS AND I'LL GET BACK TO YOU!!

Cheerio, Damian

Wednesday 7 September 2005


Well today, I got good is it! :D Anyway, I have a crapload of work to do before the end of the week. Isn't it funny how assignment due dates just seem to creep up on you.

Lol, it seems I can't go a week without feeling messed in some way, although this week is different reasons that the last. Damn feelings of inadequacy for life in general. But hey, everything is going pretty well in perspective. Drums is good, voice is better than yesterday, Youth band is awesome, God is damn awesome, and friends are why do I worry so much?

My proverb: "..." hehe....

Sunday 4 September 2005

Letting things go

Hmm.. I like the way Day Of Fire put it in one of their songs. 'If you want it...then just let it go.' This is so true!! Well anyway, God has really been showing me things in my life recently. Things that you just take for granted and then one day God's suddenly says..."well, what about this" and you're like, "awww, ouch, I never thought about it like that before."

For instance, music. I've asked God to pull me up if music ever got out of proportion, and the other day, I just suddenly had a thought, "I've been getting into music way to much for my own good." doh... repentance muchness?

But yeah, God is awesome, and so is life at the moment.

Last night was the youth service. Was very good. I've been feeling very distant from God lately, and found it very hard to get into worship. Even at Exo (the Youth Alive rally on Saturday) I found it really hard to push into God. Last night, it was still hard, especially in the prayer room, but when the service actually started, everything else just faded away and I was able to concentrate on God alone for the first time in ages.

Your bloggy proverb: "If you have one aim in life, let it be to live up to your potential."

I like that, but it could be better if it was 'potential in Christ.' awwww yeah....Cheerio, yet again.

Tuesday 30 August 2005

Worship Leading

Hey guys again! Sorry for springing another blog entry on you so soon...but hey!! Something to grab you out of your average everyday lives for 2 minutes, yeah? I just went to this awesome site by Reuben Morgan:

I had a poke around and came across this article...very relevant to me and a few other people I know...You know who you are, anyway...awesome stuff. Very inspirational.

Servanthood and your worship team

Serving well through worship

Peter Wilson serves alongside Pastor Gary Clarke at the Hillsong Church in London. It is a dynamic fast growing church reaching and impacting the city with the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a great asset to their team and truly has laid his life down to see the kingdom advanced.


Obviously there's loads of different subjects that I could talk about when it comes to running a worship team, however I’d like to look at just one of them. This is something that has really been on my heart lately and in my experience it is one of the biggest issues in worship teams.

If I had to sum it up in one word it would probably best be described as Servanthood. As a Worship Pastor, I really believe that something incredibly powerful can come out of a strong relationship between us and our Senior Pastors, however it must be based on us as Worship Pastors recognizing that we are 'serving' the Pastor’s vision, not building our own. If you think about it, the Worship pastor and Senior pastor share the platform almost 50/50 in most churches, so we are by default one of the most public representatives of the church. It is therefore imperative that we share the same vision.

Our motive must also be pure. We must die to self, or in other words give up on our own desires and learn to serve someone else's desires. It is often easy to say we are serving the church or serving the Pastor, but in actual fact we are building our own little empire; a worship team full of people that will play the style of music I like, at the volume I like, with a sound system, lighting and staging that I like etc etc. It’s actually not about what we like, it’s what our Pastor wants. That's what we’re there for.

Here's the amazing thing though, when you approach this servanthood thing without your own agenda and without looking for what you might get out of it, it's amazing what you actually do get out of it. The story of Daniel in the bible is a great example of this. The King of Babylon sent his men to look for intelligent, good-looking Israelites who had the ability to learn the culture of Babylon. Once he’d found them he brought them in and trained them in the culture of his kingdom. There isn't a lot recorded about these years of training, however as there were no significant events recorded, we can presume that Daniel faithfully studied and learned the culture of this foreign, God-less land. In fact he studied it so well that he stood out head and shoulders above everybody else, to the point where the King trusted him. At that point Daniel was allowed the freedom to express his opinion and style things the way he liked.

This is the same with us as Worship Pastors. When you begin to serve wholeheartedly, with no ulterior motives (which are very obvious, might I add), you begin to build trust, to the point where eventually your pastor will say, why don’t you do what you want to do, because I trust that everything you do now will represent me well.

I’ve experienced this in the relationship with my Senior Pastor and it's an incredible thing. I’m still serving and still dying to self but at the same time I'm living out my dream. Just remember God placed those dreams in your heart and He knows what He’s doing. He didn’t place them there for no reason. He also knows what a powerful thing it is to learn to die to self and to learn to serve, because out of that foundation of servanthood, He can build something great that brings glory to Him alone.

Please be encouraged by this and make the decision to build a healthy, productive, servant-based relationship with your Senior Pastor. It will undoubtedly produce the best results.

Cheers, D-Man

My Life today

Well, these last few weeks have been a helluva learning period. God's really been (and still is) teaching me to put my complete trust in Him. I look back even two months ago and can barely recognize myself anymore.

Haha, God's a friggin' gun! So good. I've been thinking way too much lately, a bunch of headaches have cropped up, and for me that's kinda bad, since I never get headaches. But anyway, my whole perception of God is slowly changing. I think Connect 1 was the very start of this period in my fact I can guarantee that it is.

Sunday night was fun though :) Absolutely smashed off my face all day from lack of sleep and to much V...uh huh...ask anyone that was there, they'll tell you ;) ...

Got 3 new CD's on Monday...Day of Fire - Day Of Fire, Underground - Replenish, and You Can't Trust a Ladder - The Myriad....I can't say that I have really gotten into the other two yet, but Replenish are a friggin' awesome band.

You ever notice how music can really set your mood? I've been really noticing lately, good and bad. A lot of music which is cool has been really making me depressed which means I can't listen to it much anymore...erk.

No music practice yesterday or Illuminus either...kinda sucked. I can accept, but I don't really understand why other people a relieved when there is a day off that kinda stuff. Me, I hate it when there isn't anything boring! proverb: "Those who deny that they are wrong the most, are probably the most wrong."

Cheerio, lads...and lad..esses?

Monday 22 August 2005

Nothing to say


And now for my proverb... "Yesterday is history, tomorrows a mystery, today is a gift, that's why they call it the present." - Thanks Wally :P

Tuesday 16 August 2005

Planetshakers & proverbs

Hey guys, another random update for y'all...Hmm, well reluctantly, I went and brought the new Planetshakers album a few weeks ago, and didn't really like it at first, but it kinda grows on you. Now I think it's awesome! Songs like Great And Mighty, Evermore (best song on the album), and Always and Forever. I was never really into Planetshakers that much, (being a United Live fan) and liked them even less after they released Rain Down (the studio album just after My King), but this new album has fired me up, and now I can't believe I didn't like them, lol. I still like United better, but the last two live Planetshaker albums are awesome...awww yeah, anyways now I have that ranting plug out of the way... I've decided to leave you all with a weird and wonderful proverb each blog entry...

"A strong head and a hard heart never go together..." hmmm double/triple meanings in that one.


Trusting in God

Hmm, a lot of things have been happening lately. Connect 1 was over the weekend and was awesome but extremely tiring. Missed a presentation on Monday because I didn't know about it until Sunday arvo...le sigh...10% :) .
Anyways. I've been really trying to get into God a lot over the last few weeks, mainly prayer over the day every day, Bible reading every day, that sort of thing, as well as speaking Godly things over my life.

With all that has been happening, I have been learning to rely on Him a lot more than I used to. It seems that He has been slowing taking away a lot that I've simply taken for truth and left me without answers especially in the area of relationships, not just b/g relationships but even friendships. Thus the trusting thing :) I need to rely more of Him than ever before because of it.

Hmm..anyway sorry to bog you down in my mundane thoughts once again...
Leave you on a good note:

1 John 3: 1 - 3

The Father has loved us so much that we are called children of God. And we really are His children. The reason the people in the world do not know us is that they have not known Him. Dear friends, now we are children of God, and we have not yet been shown what we will be in the future. But we know that when Christ comes again, we will be like Him, because we will see Him as He really is. Christ is pure, and all who have this hope in Christ keep themselves pure like Christ.

I don't know about you, but that for me is a real encouragement at the moment.

Cheerio, D-Man

Tuesday 9 August 2005

Differences between men and women

Haha, these are awesome...and so true!!!!!

got them from this blog.

If Mark, Chris, Eric and Tom go out, they will affectionately refer to each other as Fat Boy, Godzilla, Peanut-Head and Scrappy.
If Laurie, Linda, Elizabeth and Barbara go out for lunch, they will call each other Laurie, Linda, Elizabeth and Barbara.

When the bill arrives, Mark, Chris, Eric and Tom will each throw in $20,even though it's only for $32.50. None of them will have anything smaller and none will actually admit they want change back.
When the girls get their bill, out come the pocket calculators.

A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need but it's on sale.

A man has five items in his bathroom: a toothbrush, shaving cream, razor, a bar of soap, and a towel from the Marriott.
The average number of items in the typical woman's bathroom is 337. A man would not be able to identify most of these items.

A woman has the last word in any argument.
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.

Women love cats.
Men say they love cats, but when women aren't looking, men kick cats.

A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.

A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find such a man.

A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change and she does.

A woman will dress up to go shopping, water the plants, empty the garbage, answer the phone, read a book, and get the mail.
A man will dress up for weddings and funerals.

Men wake up as good-looking as they went to bed.
Women somehow deteriorate during the night.

A woman knows all about her children. She knows about dentist appointments and romances, best friends, favorite foods, secret fears and hopes and dreams.
A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house.

Cheerio, D-Man

Monday 1 August 2005

Bored...this and that

Haha I'm bored...

Some amusing little games to play:


Hapland 2

Isn't it interesting the way expenses go way up when you start getting money? Hmm....(It's a conspiracy!!) Anyways, lets see, $105 for camp, $200 for Reload, $40 for Momentum, $20 for Exo, $700 for India....ack...ah well, at least they are a once off thing. I'm actually looking forward to Momentum, it's on Saturday, get up at 6:30 and get home at 6:30...and the good part, Alan Meyer is speaking, he's a champ...oh yeah!

And now I'll leave you with some facets of God.....Hebrew 4:15 (Perfect), Psalm 45:6(Righteous King), Matthew 11:29 (Gentle), Isaiah 9:6 (Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace)

Oh, and check out the awesome new United page...just up!

Hillsong United

PS: To anyone whom I know who has pics of me, send 'em to me will ya? I so need to update my photo album.

Sunday 31 July 2005


It feels like there is so much change happening in my life at the moment, yet if I stop and think about it, I can't place a single thing. This semester, although my last, is going to be the hardest...mixed feeling about it.

I had a prophesy that God was going to be changing a few things in my life and damn, He's doing a good job of it. I hardly know what to do anymore. Just hanging on, and focusing on God a lot. It feels like half of what I used to just take for granted is being ripped out of my life, shaken up, and placed back in.

Last night, I ended up playing drums for the service rather than singing, and wishing I was singing rather than playing drums, when I promised myself that singing would never get to a higher priority than drumming...gah!! What the frig is wrong with me??

I'm at one of those points in life where it feels like you're not actually really doing anything, just coasting along in a straight line, instead of going up. Well, anyway, so to leave you with a messed blog entry, I just had to write this stuff out for myself.

Cheerio, D-Man

Wednesday 27 July 2005

Life in Overtime

Humdihum...Overtime tonight...(BTW that's the coolest name whoever thought it up! :) ). Illuminus is doing a P&W session for all y'all P&W homies out there, yeah! Gonna rock so damn hard!!

I finally got over this darn cold that I got on's probably been the worst cold I've ever really! *sigh* Anyway...I can sing!! LAAAAAA! Any coughing is now minuscule..muhahahaaaaa!!!!

And now for a side note, my latest fashion sense is telling me to go for dreadies...I don't know whether to listen to it or not, but it sounds damn tempting once my hair is long enough or something...cheerio!

Thursday the 28th

Well last night was alright. Lol, I was told at the last minute that I was leading...doh THWAP!!! Way to be put in the hot spot...but...s'all good, went ok, can breathe again.
Erk, woke up this morning feeling like crap, had a shower feeling like on the bus......yeah. But hey! At least my cold is almost gone right? Can't wait until the weekend, it's gonna be grrreat!

Ever gotten that feeling that something is just around the corner, but the more you try and see what it is, the more the corner grows to infinitum? hmmm, I've had that feeling all week and it SUCKS!!!

Bonfire night on Saturday, woot! So y'all better be there...(you know who you are, ya bums!) It's gonna be awesome as usual.

And now for God. I really don't know what God is doing in my life at the moment. It feels a bit like a slump, I've just been getting into the Word heaps lately, and stuff, but yeah, can't wait for Sunday. In His time not mine anyway, He knows better than me :).

Ta ta for now, back to the real (or really boring) world of non-bloginess.

Wednesday 13 July 2005


Work has it's ups and downs. As one wise man put it, work is doing something you enjoy 25% of the time and hate the other 75%. At the moment I enjoy work, except for the long hours of course (who doesn't)....

However, Microsoft Visual Basic 2003 takes to friggin' long to install!!!!!!!!

Other notes of interest....check out this guy's website...the old drummer from Hillsong, making his own waves, he's a legend!! sooo..... CHECK HIM OUT!!

That is all...go about your daily mundane lives of non blogginess now.

Tuesday 5 July 2005

Holidays & life in general

Well, I finished all of my exams (which were much easier than any other exam I've ever done). Holidays began or rather full time work did. Muchly suckness...ah well, it's worth the money I suppose...just can be a bit of a drag is all. Saw Batman begins last night, and yes, it rocks, and yes, I want that car :P. Going to see War of the Worlds tonight. Think I'll be absolutely trashed by Sunday. Ladida.

And now for my random comment of the day:

and now for another random comment:
Stiny get me a danish!

and another:
What is a simple bite on the butt among friends?'s the simple things in life we do to get ourselves by.

Random joke of the day:
Where would we be without the garden of Eden! HA!! Don't hurt me please.

Been going through a bit of friend withdrawal this week actually. Gone from seeing at least one everyday, to at least one maybe twice a week... le sigh...God is good :) The more I come to realize that the more I realize that I don't know anything at all.

Note to self: get more friends in on the blogginess, it's much more interesting that way. And for all y'all reading mine...GET OFFA YA BUTTS AND START BLOGGING!!

Thursday 2 June 2005

A single moment

An old poem written by me, was on the netwaves but I took it off, I think it is sufficiently worthy to see the light of blogness once again...

Here I am, in this lonely place again.
If I close my eyes, I see your face again.
I love to hold you close, whenever you are away.
I miss you dearly, and wish you could stay.

I miss the tender moments, that we spent in forever.
The laughter and tears that told, we were meant together.
I long to see you again, to look at your perfect face.
One last perfect moment, one last sweet embrace.

All over again, as I lay down for sleep.
I think strange thoughts, and silently weep.
I wonder what you're thinking, and if you feel the same.
Are you still there? Are your thoughts as plain?

I pray to God, that He will get me through.
This time of solitude, spent without you.
I wish I could turn back time, and hold it there.
When we were together, and could but stare.

Into each others eyes, forgetting everything.
Locked into a perfect moment, barely contained from singing.
Oh how I miss you, and cannot wait for your return.
I will wait for you only, until time itself adjourns.

Forever I will be here, longing for you.
Forever I will stand, forever stay true.
Love is a strange thing, and life stranger still.
But the power of it is, that wait eternally I will.

Love demands it, and I could not do less.
Than try my hardest, do my best.
To get through these pains, just to hold you again.
Until such a time when, I can call you more than friend.

Monday 30 May 2005

'Those' times

God is good. This I know. Despite everything else I can hold onto that fact and trust that He has everything in hand. It is very challenging sometimes trying to surrender to Him but not even knowing the first step, or sub-consciously denying the fact, but I'll get there.

Heard the song "Chosen as Mine" by Hillsong? Awesome song, the chorus goes:

Cries in the desert, My child, I hear them
Tears in the valley, My lovely, I count them
You're so precious; you were on My mind as I died
I love you still, always will
Chosen as Mine

Suppose I'm just going through one of 'those' times at the moment, ah well. Better next entry ;)

Tuesday 24 May 2005

Best Line in any song

Exams soon. Almost finished my assignments (finally!!). Crossover tonight, should be interesting. The best line in any song, from Further by Pillar: 'I'm further; further from myself; when I'm next to You; when I run to You'.

Wednesday 18 May 2005


Hmm lets see, got a helluva lot of work still to do, but got some of it out of the way. Illuminus still rocks, drums...needs more practice as usual, I think I've entered full work mode now, don't need as much sleep, can work for 9 hours straight and still have energy at the end of the day..woot :) Exams soon *shudder* Check out my black and white rendering of an assignment

Monday 2 May 2005

New space

Woot, I have a personal space.

1st blog entry. I'm am getting very sick of uni lifestyle at the moment can't wait for holidays when my brain doesn't overload from 6:30am to 9:30pm every weekday. Youth service last Sunday. Went off! Illuminus just gets better and better every time we get up there. Should get some work done but can't think straight, maybe I'll go and practice drums for a bit, should clear me up. So much to do so little time.

Anyway this blog thing is cool as, way to go Microsoft for giving us yet another technological toy to waste time in :)

Cheers, Damian