Wednesday 16 November 2005

Cards, Dreams, Uni life, and other situations

A helluva lot of crap has been happening in my life lately, I think God has got me in the right place though, because I've been at almost perfect peace in these situations. I've been praying about it heaps and giving stuff to God, trying to make sure that I'm following His will and not acting out of my own desires. I think I'm under attack at the moment, but I have no idea why, except that maybe I'm on the right track. Damn it cuts though...makes me angry :)...yeah, but anyway, gotta keep praying, what else can I do?

Found a bible passage the other day that summed it pretty much up for me, 2 Timothy 3:1-9, New Century Version:

"1 Remember this! In the last days there will be many troubles, 2 because people will love themselves, love money, brag, and be proud. They will say evil things against others and will not obey their parents or be thankful or be the kind of people God wants. 3 They will not love others, will refuse to forgive, will gossip, and will not control themselves. They will be cruel, will hate what is good, 4 will turn against their friends, and will do foolish things without thinking. They will be conceited, will love pleasure instead of God, 5 and will act as if they serve God but will not have His power. Stay away from those people. 6 Some of them go into homes and get control of silly women who are full of sin and are led by many evil desires. 7 These women are always learning new teachings, but they are never able to understand the truth fully. 8 Just as Jannes and Jamres were against Moses, these people are against the truth. Their thinking has been ruined, and they have failed in trying to follow the faith. 9 But they will not be successful in what they do, because as with Jannes and Jambres, everyone will see that they are foolish."

I wrote out my dreams for the future the other day, as well as my vision, mission and purpose (all four are correlated) made me realize that there is so much more to it that I hadn't previously realized. A lot of stuff is going to have to happen that isn't even really related to my main dream before it can really come to pass. God's gonna have to do a crapload in my life, but that's good for me.

I have a ton of assignment work to do and not enough time to really do it in, unfortunately all my assignments are due in week 12...this week being week 11, erk...but hey, when it's over it's over....awwww yeah.

I've been having funky dreams lately, can't really remember them except that they weren't quite right, except for this one I had on Monday night last week, it was so vivid! For instance walking along a road for hours and hours and actually remembering everything that happened rather than in a normal dream where you might be walking and it would cut to the next scene with the impression that time had passed. There was this one point in the dream were (and I won't go into specifics because it's to personal) someone made it clear to me that I should be very careful about who I give my heart to, and I replied that I would give it to the person that God had for me and no one else, which they accepted. I think it was God inspired myself, just because of the timing, the vividness, the fact that I can still remember it after a week, the fact that God was in my dream (probably has to be a first for me), and yeah, just the stuff that was happening in my life at the time.

Oh and Phase Ten (aka Frustration) the card game is a totally awesome game...(so's card house building, got to 14.5 stories the other day..beat my dad's record of 14 finally!! woot!!) had heaps of fun with of over the last week. tis the shiznit....say that really fast 10 times and I'll give you a gold star :)

But anyhoo, I better let you get back to your mundane non-blogginess life :P Stay totally awesome for a while at least...
Cheerio, D-Man

...sorry no proverb today...I did have one...really...but I forgot...erk...yeah...maybe next time...

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