Tuesday 1 November 2005

Faith and fiestas

These last few weeks have been quite hectic (as you probably gathered from the last few entries.) I've been going through some stuff dealing with faith and doubts and holding onto the promises of God through it all. I believe that God is really trying to get me to step up in this area, it's been quite an interesting journey.

I've been learning that you don't have to have all the answers to hold onto something by faith. In fact the less answers and more opposition to the promise, the greater your faith needs to be to hold onto it...

At the moment I have a bit of a headache, and am finishing off my last assignment for the semester..gotta be happy with that...I still haven't really recovered from last week's work fest.

Listening to Radial Angel's - Suddenly Maybe ...damn good song (big fan :P)...

On Sunday I went to the Fiesta they had down in Creswick...was alright...except that it was to sunny! I dislike the sun immensely :)...not because I'm one of those guys who hides inside all the time behind a pc or whatever...just because I have pretty sensitive skin and 5 minutes out in the sun is enough to give me a sunburn...yeah...awkward...anyway..I went on one of those trampoline bungee things..It was fun for the first 2 minutes then I was absolutely stuffed! It uses a lot of strength in your wrists and legs in places that I didn't even know about! Worth the experience though. They had this police band there that went off! The drummer was cool, sang Vertigo - U2 from behind the drum kit! Awwww yeah, that takes skill..I reckon drums are one of the hardest instruments to sing and play at the same time...just in my opinion though.

Don't you love the way that songs can recall memories (for me) stronger than a heck of a lot of other things...Switchfoot - Meant to Live reminds me of camp last year, and Building 429 - No One Else Knows reminds me of camp this year, and I'm suddenly filled with a sense of loss at...damn I miss camp, those were some of the best times I've had....

Cheerio, Damian

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