Thursday 27 October 2005

Second Allnighter

Woot for me! This is my 30th blog entry...I have been a busy bee...

Well, having survived my first attempt to get some work done...barely...I have decided to do it again!! Oh joy! First a recap. Got about 8 hours sleep that night, so not to bad, but not a catch up by any means. I had the shakes probably the worst I've ever had them yesterday, but Youth group was fun :) ...except that everyone was teasing me for having ...good hands... *blush* ... yeah anyway. I went for a drive with Widget, could barely keep my eyes open let alone focus on what he was saying so yeah we finally called it a night and I started on the best part of that day..unconsciousness...awwwww yeah!!! Which brings me to this point! er..if you leave out the rest that is. Anyway, staying at uni again tonight, so I'll be leaving another hour by hour update in this entry.

9:25PM Well once again I'm in this lab..not quite the same PC row away. All is quiet, except for this guy on his phone. It's pretty much the same as last night? time....thing...a bunch of Indians are in here...I'm decked out in cds, workbooks, drinks, etc. only difference is I had less sleep to start the day on. My water is half full again. I just received two photos from this years youth camp (thanks a bunch, Jess, you rock!) So yeah, check 'em out...

10:51PM I'm actually feeling pretty good at the moment, it looks like I could actually finish this assignment tonight! Woot! A bunch of Indians have arrived, so the noise level is up a bit, but not too bad. I'm not actually to tired at the moment so I don't think I'll open my energy drinks for a few hours. I got two red eyes since the v yesterday left me with the shakes hardcore...lasted ALL day!!! kinda sucked. I swear, the effects seem to get worse and worse every time I have v.

11:50PM Yes, ten minutes before tomorrow..muhahaa. Not much happening still, even more Indians rocked up (these guys are hardcore when it comes to work apparently) My spontaneous message to everyone on the network kinda backfired when I got heaps of replies from people wanting to start 15min convos..doh, ah well. I've always wanted to do that since I came to uni.

12:58AM So yeah, time for another update. Currently listening to Switchfoot's new album 'Stars' for lack of anything better to listen to. My assignment is starting to click for me, even though I'm stuck on a particular part. Awww yeah. Might need to 'bustamove' soon...(find a bathroom for all you unenlightened heathens...yeah..I know what YOU were thinkin'). Having trouble getting another assignment working..a mate's trying to get it working at home and having trouble which means I get the wonderful wonderful job of troubleshooting via MSN...yep...

1:54AM Tonight seems way more productive for me than last time...although I seem to be getting a headache, and I keep seeing flashes out of the corner of my eye...and it's SO DAMN HOT IN HERE!!!! erk...

3:02AM Well, my assignment is getting frustrating, but at least I'm getting through it, and still got about 5-6 hours to work on it so it's all good. I'm really in the zone to work tonight I awesome....I feel it's time to be slightly FACE!!! buy!

3:55AM Gah! So full of energy...I hate it! Always have hated that feeling of excitement just before something happens..its a pointless waste of body reserves, since you can't do anything with it but wait anyway, all it serves to do is make you really frustrated with how slowly everything goes! In other news...about half of the Indians have left the building, and I'm SO CLOSE to finishing my assignment...FINALLY! I have also finished my first bottle of red eye, but I'll wait about 15 minutes before I crack open the next one.

5:11AM Stating to get a little tired now. I reckon I've held up pretty well considering. Only a few things left to do and I'm done..woot! Two more assignments to go before the end of the day and I'll be done assignments forever..FOREVER!!! I just opened my second bottle of red eye..already I can feel the unholy energy of this evil drink flowing through my veins, making me shake with false energy....or something...

6:10AM The cleaner guy just came in again, so I guess this all-nighter is close to a wrap up. Here's to a very productive night..and I mean very productive....I got craploads done! Awwww yeah...thanks to God, energy drinks, Google, and Darcy, who was working on the same subject and didn't mind me asking him n00bish questions all night via MSN, you're a champ man ;)

7:27AM: Well, this is the last entry in my second all-nighter word, huh, I just made it up then. The sun is shining and whereas some last minute stuff a popped up in my assignment, I think I can manage to have it fixed before 5:30 so all's well that ends well...I've had Lifehouse playing round and round for the last 3-4's good, but it gets really old after you listen to it too much. Mmm breakfast of...whats this? Another apricot pie bar! Egad! Oh as a side note...over the period of this night I reached my 600th view..woot! Yeah exciting, can really tell I had a good night... :)

Cheerio, one tired lil monkey... *yawn*

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