Monday 10 October 2005

Problems & Piano

Well, what's happening in my life? The confusion meter ticked up a few points in the last week. Ever been going on your merry way through life and something happens and just like that, you've been blown out of the sky and your falling? Yeah, well that happened to me today...kinda sucked! Garrr!! *sigh* God's will be done is all I can say, I don't think there's really anything I can do about it at the moment.

I picked up the piano a few weeks ago (not literally..ouch!)...piano rocks!! Can't believe I haven't ever really gotten into it before. According to some people I have a real talent for it...but then these people always say that, and they're biased about almost everything I do..(please don't hurt me! It's the truth!)..anyways I'll start making my own judgments in a few years methinks. I can play Planetshakers "Evermore" properly now though, and Tim Hughes "Here I am to Worship"'s awesome!

Proverb of the day: "If God says you can, then who's gonna stop you?"

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