Sunday 4 September 2005

Letting things go

Hmm.. I like the way Day Of Fire put it in one of their songs. 'If you want it...then just let it go.' This is so true!! Well anyway, God has really been showing me things in my life recently. Things that you just take for granted and then one day God's suddenly says..."well, what about this" and you're like, "awww, ouch, I never thought about it like that before."

For instance, music. I've asked God to pull me up if music ever got out of proportion, and the other day, I just suddenly had a thought, "I've been getting into music way to much for my own good." doh... repentance muchness?

But yeah, God is awesome, and so is life at the moment.

Last night was the youth service. Was very good. I've been feeling very distant from God lately, and found it very hard to get into worship. Even at Exo (the Youth Alive rally on Saturday) I found it really hard to push into God. Last night, it was still hard, especially in the prayer room, but when the service actually started, everything else just faded away and I was able to concentrate on God alone for the first time in ages.

Your bloggy proverb: "If you have one aim in life, let it be to live up to your potential."

I like that, but it could be better if it was 'potential in Christ.' awwww yeah....Cheerio, yet again.

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