Tuesday 27 September 2005

God and Camp (aftermath)

Hi all, sorry it's taken so long to write another blog entry...
(not like I don't have enough already :P) anyway...

Camp was AWESOME!!!!! but incredibly tiring. I think I got around 3-4hrs of sleep per night, with very strenuous physical activities each day. The walks were my favorite part. I loved every minute of it don't get me wrong, but bush walking and night walking with my closest friends is the definite highlight of the week. It was awesome just being with everyone for 4 days straight, watching them grow (and there was a lot of growth) and just hanging. I love you guys ;)!!

Haha! We played the best game, everyone got in this largish square of bush, and were divided into 4 teams. 18 people were 'herbivores' meaning that their main goal was to stay alive and collect 'food' points. The next group were the 'carnivores' (10) and their main aim was to stay alive and 'eat' the herbivores but tagging them. The next group was the 'humans' (4) who hunt the animals with guns, so if they see a herbivore or carnivore they yell 'bang you're dead' and get a point. Then there was me.....I mean 'diseases' :P (3) We had the onerous job of tagging anything that moved. By the end of the game I was giving 10 second bursts of movement and them pretty much collapsing for a minute. Apparently I had all the signs of really bad dehydration by the end of the game, alls I know is I was so damn smashed I fell asleep almost instantly upon hitting the couch.

Coming back was the biggest downer, not only were my sleeping habits, dietary habits screwed but I seemed to get really tired really easily for the first 5 days, and no one is around! So boring!! Ah well, I've learned heaps from this camp and can't wait for the next one. God rocks!

There was a heap of stuff that I had to spend hours praying about after coming home, just to get peace about certain situations in my life and in the youth group at the moment, but God came through (as always). I'm not worried about them in the slightest anymore, because I know that everything comes together for the glory of God in the end, doesn't matter what the hell happens, God ALWAYS pulls through.

"Winning is great, but winning a friend is the best..." - Anonymous

Cheeri until next time, 'lil D-Man

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