Tuesday 5 July 2005

Holidays & life in general

Well, I finished all of my exams (which were much easier than any other exam I've ever done). Holidays began or rather full time work did. Muchly suckness...ah well, it's worth the money I suppose...just can be a bit of a drag is all. Saw Batman begins last night, and yes, it rocks, and yes, I want that car :P. Going to see War of the Worlds tonight. Think I'll be absolutely trashed by Sunday. Ladida.

And now for my random comment of the day:

and now for another random comment:
Stiny get me a danish!

and another:
What is a simple bite on the butt among friends?

ah....it's the simple things in life we do to get ourselves by.

Random joke of the day:
Where would we be without women...in the garden of Eden! HA!! Don't hurt me please.

Been going through a bit of friend withdrawal this week actually. Gone from seeing at least one everyday, to at least one maybe twice a week... le sigh...God is good :) The more I come to realize that the more I realize that I don't know anything at all.

Note to self: get more friends in on the blogginess, it's much more interesting that way. And for all y'all reading mine...GET OFFA YA BUTTS AND START BLOGGING!!

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