Wednesday 27 July 2005

Thursday the 28th

Well last night was alright. Lol, I was told at the last minute that I was leading...doh THWAP!!! Way to be put in the hot spot...but...s'all good, went ok, can breathe again.
Erk, woke up this morning feeling like crap, had a shower feeling like on the bus......yeah. But hey! At least my cold is almost gone right? Can't wait until the weekend, it's gonna be grrreat!

Ever gotten that feeling that something is just around the corner, but the more you try and see what it is, the more the corner grows to infinitum? hmmm, I've had that feeling all week and it SUCKS!!!

Bonfire night on Saturday, woot! So y'all better be there...(you know who you are, ya bums!) It's gonna be awesome as usual.

And now for God. I really don't know what God is doing in my life at the moment. It feels a bit like a slump, I've just been getting into the Word heaps lately, and stuff, but yeah, can't wait for Sunday. In His time not mine anyway, He knows better than me :).

Ta ta for now, back to the real (or really boring) world of non-bloginess.

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