Monday 30 January 2006

Reload '06...what a blast!

Well I'm back from Reload ' was totally AWESOME! The whole focus was about discipline your world. About bringing your separate worlds whatever they be (school, home, work, etc.) together and really just letting God work through you in them.
About 8 of us went down to Phillip Island for 4 days...(starting on Thursday) If you missed it, then you missed out! Big time! (Sorry Mils!) We had an AWESOME time fellowshipping with each other, connecting with God, learning to connect with people. Everyone was very incredibly tired afterward (not as bad as youth camp though), but it was worth it. The days consisted of a worship and preaching session in the morning after breakfast, followed by lunch and workshops, then (generally) by a couple of hours of swimming, resting, cards, activities, etc. Tea followed, as well as more worship and preaching. Then yep....karaoke!! Woot! I would like to say that I didn't participate in the karaoke and make a dismal failure of it...but that would be a lie. Renae and Jess also went up and sang, although they did much better than I :P. We managed to snag one of the so called 'Bling Men' from the convention, so we'll be hanging him up in the hall...yeah...

Everyone got heaps out of it and grew in God. I pray that we continue to do so out of such an environment and are able to put into practice what we have learned.
Anyway. next on the list....Manifest TD6 (hopefully), and Ignite '06...awwwww yeah! If you didn't catch reload, then I'll hopefully see you at those two, and if not well hey...there's always next year right?
Cheerio, D-Man

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