Sunday 22 January 2006

Day by day

Hey guys, yep you guessed it. Another blog entry! Woot! Not much really to write, but I have written a new poem (with Missy Higgins playing in the background so you know it's gonna be sappy and wildly exaggerated...) No particular reason. Just yeah, not feeling the greatest. But hey! I'll get there...yeah, so don't worry.

Oh and in other news...this blog has been viewed 1000 times! Wow, I feel special...or something...yeah, anyway....

Day by Day

I can remember when, I was safe
In a world of my own, my creation
Locked away in my tower, with no key
Hidden away from love, nothing to see

You saw something in me, I don't understand
Was it an innocence, in my land?
Locked in my tower with, nothing to be?
You found the door, and set me free

And for a small time, all was bright
I believed in you, shining your light
And together we thought, in our own world
That together we'd be, as love, our wings unfurled

But I had to leave, for a time
Thinking all the while that, it was a crime
I thought of you, everyday
And to see you soon, I prayed

Something happened there, when I was not there
Something changed in you, and I, fell into despair
That I would not find, you ever again
Would not see my rescuer, anymore then

I have been told that, all is well
Just keep holding on, time will tell
And I will have faith, but I'm not the same
Locked in my tower, I've been changed

And it is hard for me, to hold you
To my heart for next time, through and through
I just don't understand, was I not right?
Was I not good enough? did I, lose the fight?

Did you find someone better, than me, so free?
Was I a test to see if you, could unlock me?
Will you ever come back to give, me my key?
To hide me away, for none to see?

Here I am, torn, broken and confused
Feeling emotion, feeling, hurt and used
I don't blame you, who could?
I'm happy for you, as I should

I can't expect you, to change at all
For to do so, is to, lie and fall
Be true to yourself as, you were, when
You first found me and, find me then

I will hide away, in my tower
And lock the door with, all my power
I will lock the door, throw away the key
And wait for you, wait and see

I'll wait for that day, when you come nigh
And call for me, low and high
Day by day I wait, and behold a sight
Of a time before, when I, was your knight

I will fight for you, when you return
If nothing else I have, to learn
You can count on me, to be true
Wait I will until then, to be with you
Day by Day

Cheerio, D-Man

Proverb: "A problem will always be a problem until you can sneak up on it from an unsuspected angle."

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