Tuesday 7 February 2006

Life as of the 8th

Well, here we are again. At last, I thought we wouldn't make it...there were some times when I thought we were done for but God pulled us through. I've been wanting to tell you...

If only it was as easy as it is when looking at it in the past. I've had a really rough week this week. I feel like I've been walking on a knife edge and it's only been getting worse. Through it all I've been feeling that God is just saying hold on, you can make it, focus on Me and My promises for you, but damn it can be hard to have faith sometimes.

This week, just about everything is suddenly...blah...right in my face. It's not the most pleasant feeling in the world.

I've come to a small realization that God is in total control...not that I didn't know it before but you ever know something and then it clicks? Well it's like that. I still don't know that He's in TOTAL control...if I did, I would have total faith and that would be awesome...but over my lifetime He's slowly bringing me round. So yeah, I'm holding on, still, until He comes through for me. I mean how awesome is it that, despite everything we think we go through...God's got it all planned out for you already, and even when things don't work out, He's got more ahead for you than you could ever imagine!

Piano still rocks. I've been getting it to the point where I can actually play not to badly and it just...rocks. Yeah. I still enjoy drums better though. More and more I can see where my life is headed...it should be fun!

I've decided I need to really get stuck into the Bible. Since the end of last year some time I've really been having trouble finding time to read it...and I think that's what half of my problem is. So yeah. At least half an hour a day if I can.

I've also decided to start on a regime of sit-ups and push-ups everyday. No reason..that I want to say :P

Cheerio, D-Man

Proverb: "Life is incomplete without love."

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