Monday 13 February 2006

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's day! Woot for love hearts, roses, chocolates, and all things pink, red, or fluffy! Yep.

Well, what's been happening in my life you say? I could tell you but, I'm not really in the mood today. Let's just say youth band has started back up and it's good. God is awesome and youth group's awesome, and church is awesome...even my future wife's awesome (so I believe :P) short everything is awesome, except for two things, which I'm currently praying about...Not for public consumption..yet, anyway, sorry about the length and lack thereof of this, my blog entry.

Oh and while I'm at it..."I'm For You" by Detour 180 is the BEST song eva! omygosh omygosh and all that. Seriously though, gives me the chills every time I hear it... Chorus is as follows:

I'm for you, I'll hold you til the end of time
Save it all for you, from wounded hands, I'll love divine
I'm for you, I'm for you

Yeah...God's personal valentine to us, how totally beyond awesome is it!

And now for my random statement of the day. I...really really...miss camp, damn it! It hasn't really hit me this year as much as any of the others...until now....erk...must concentrate.

Cheerio, D-Man

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