Monday 30 January 2006

Reload '06...what a blast!

Well I'm back from Reload ' was totally AWESOME! The whole focus was about discipline your world. About bringing your separate worlds whatever they be (school, home, work, etc.) together and really just letting God work through you in them.
About 8 of us went down to Phillip Island for 4 days...(starting on Thursday) If you missed it, then you missed out! Big time! (Sorry Mils!) We had an AWESOME time fellowshipping with each other, connecting with God, learning to connect with people. Everyone was very incredibly tired afterward (not as bad as youth camp though), but it was worth it. The days consisted of a worship and preaching session in the morning after breakfast, followed by lunch and workshops, then (generally) by a couple of hours of swimming, resting, cards, activities, etc. Tea followed, as well as more worship and preaching. Then yep....karaoke!! Woot! I would like to say that I didn't participate in the karaoke and make a dismal failure of it...but that would be a lie. Renae and Jess also went up and sang, although they did much better than I :P. We managed to snag one of the so called 'Bling Men' from the convention, so we'll be hanging him up in the hall...yeah...

Everyone got heaps out of it and grew in God. I pray that we continue to do so out of such an environment and are able to put into practice what we have learned.
Anyway. next on the list....Manifest TD6 (hopefully), and Ignite '06...awwwww yeah! If you didn't catch reload, then I'll hopefully see you at those two, and if not well hey...there's always next year right?
Cheerio, D-Man

Monday 23 January 2006

Faith, marriage and reminisce

Hey guys! Just letting you know, I'm feeling heaps better today...under the surface there are still doubts, but I've decided to let go of they aren't at the forefront of my mind. I had a big talk with my best mate yesterday. We are opposite kind of people. Whenever he seems down I can usually cheer him up, and vice versa, and it's usually one or the other never both together, so we balance each other pretty well. I am more determined than ever to hold onto the promises of God, I've got them now and I won't ever let 'em go. Damn straight!

I can't wait until I get married. It's gonna rock so damn hard! My wife is just gonna lift my world. Not that there won't ever be mistakes or challenges to get past, but that's all part of the deal, and I am gonna love every single moment I am with her!

Life is in a real slump these last few weeks, with holidays on, nothing much has been happening. Weekends are a highlight...hanging with friends and chillin' with God. I've felt really distant from everything though. Can't wait for everything to just get back to normal as life is for me :P.

Listening to United - To the Ends of the Earth. Damn good album! I got it about 3 years ago (during 1st year of uni) and listened to it literally 24-7 for at least 8 months. Listening to it now brings me back a heap of good memories, especially of Illuminus, the youth band. We rock for God! And it has been totally awesome to be able to be included with all of the band members lives. I am living in a world of Giants and am humbled in their presence. It has been a total honor my friends! Stay true to God!

BTW: I'm trying to put headings on all my photos..there's just so damn many it might take a little. Things are slowly getting done around here, so check back anytime.

Anyhoo cheerio, D-Man

Proverb: "To the world you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world..."

Sunday 22 January 2006

Day by day

Hey guys, yep you guessed it. Another blog entry! Woot! Not much really to write, but I have written a new poem (with Missy Higgins playing in the background so you know it's gonna be sappy and wildly exaggerated...) No particular reason. Just yeah, not feeling the greatest. But hey! I'll get there...yeah, so don't worry.

Oh and in other news...this blog has been viewed 1000 times! Wow, I feel special...or something...yeah, anyway....

Day by Day

I can remember when, I was safe
In a world of my own, my creation
Locked away in my tower, with no key
Hidden away from love, nothing to see

You saw something in me, I don't understand
Was it an innocence, in my land?
Locked in my tower with, nothing to be?
You found the door, and set me free

And for a small time, all was bright
I believed in you, shining your light
And together we thought, in our own world
That together we'd be, as love, our wings unfurled

But I had to leave, for a time
Thinking all the while that, it was a crime
I thought of you, everyday
And to see you soon, I prayed

Something happened there, when I was not there
Something changed in you, and I, fell into despair
That I would not find, you ever again
Would not see my rescuer, anymore then

I have been told that, all is well
Just keep holding on, time will tell
And I will have faith, but I'm not the same
Locked in my tower, I've been changed

And it is hard for me, to hold you
To my heart for next time, through and through
I just don't understand, was I not right?
Was I not good enough? did I, lose the fight?

Did you find someone better, than me, so free?
Was I a test to see if you, could unlock me?
Will you ever come back to give, me my key?
To hide me away, for none to see?

Here I am, torn, broken and confused
Feeling emotion, feeling, hurt and used
I don't blame you, who could?
I'm happy for you, as I should

I can't expect you, to change at all
For to do so, is to, lie and fall
Be true to yourself as, you were, when
You first found me and, find me then

I will hide away, in my tower
And lock the door with, all my power
I will lock the door, throw away the key
And wait for you, wait and see

I'll wait for that day, when you come nigh
And call for me, low and high
Day by day I wait, and behold a sight
Of a time before, when I, was your knight

I will fight for you, when you return
If nothing else I have, to learn
You can count on me, to be true
Wait I will until then, to be with you
Day by Day

Cheerio, D-Man

Proverb: "A problem will always be a problem until you can sneak up on it from an unsuspected angle."

Wednesday 18 January 2006

Depression, moving, and Uni

With a lot of thought....I STILL don't know what to write about! I've had a really tough week this week because of various things and I've been down a LOT! But I'm sick of being sick of it and I can't be stuffed writing about it...really! Let's just say I've been feeling not good enough for anything at all..ever...So, instead I'm going to take a step forward and focus on the positive of the week and see where I go from there.

Phil and LeeAnne moved into their new house on Monday. It is a totally AWESOME house!! So big and...big. Yep. I'm happy for them, they deserve it. I wen't over there at about 5:30PM to help with the moving and stuff...didn't stop really until about 11:00PM although a couple of mates didn't stop until around 3:30AM!! It was a huge job.

I have gotten my results back, and applied for a graduation in May. I'm finished Uni, it's official. So now I guess I'm a 'working class man' whatever that means...although I still don't have my degree yet..officially..

Faith in God is a very good thing. I've lost focus over this week, and that is a very BAD thing. The worst is though that even though I'm not depressed about what happened anymore, I'm depressed about being depressed. How silly can you get? I mean really? It's like a never ending cycle of depression. So I'm stopping it in it's tracks and going back to what I should be focusing on anyway. God. Awwwww yeah.

Cheerio, D-Man

Proverb: "Love is its own reward."

Sunday 15 January 2006

New photos

Woot! Christmas photos up at last!

Cheerio, D-Man

Thursday 12 January 2006

The Ghost of Uni Past

Well, my first week of full time work has just about come to a close. Not too different from casual work, but it still takes it out of you. I woke up regretting my alarm almost every day, which I haven't done for at least two months. Sorry I don't have my holiday photos up yet. Hopefully I'll have them up next week if I can remember to bring my CD with me before running out the door.

This week has been interesting in regards to self identification and character growth. I feel like God's showing me a lot about myself, and a lot of it isn't that good. But hey, at least He's working on me :) At least I can recognize it now. A lot of questions have been popping up about a lot of different subjects, and I don't have answers to them all, but I believe God is revealing the answers in time.

My lecturer has said that if I redo my assignment before the 16th Jan, he will give me a pass. Woot! I have redone it and handed it in. So that's it for uni from me! Finally finished.

Oh yeah, and how good is Narnia anyway! I loved it!! And that's all I'll say on that...

Resurrecting an old tradition...Proverbs! Yep :P I found a really good one the other day: "Love isn't love until you give it away." Awwwwww yeah....

Cheerio, D-Man

Tuesday 10 January 2006

My trip to Brisbane

Well, I'm back. Sorry it's taken so long to write, I haven't had a lot of time, especially on the

Brisbane was awesome! Apart from the weather, which I already knew was going to be horrendous. Nathan and Christine came up as well (my brother and sister in law)
We went to Warner Bros Movieworld for a day...(I'll have pics soon, I promise) It was ok, not as good as Dreamworld though. One of the rides, a water ride, had a sign cautioning that people might get wet! We figured it must've been by sweating in the big massive line out in the sun for 2 hours...yep. Ice skating was good also, although the rink was closed until the 2nd of January.

Christmas itself roxored. I woke up at around 6:30 (QLD time) by myself...without an alarm, as is my custom on Christmas...don't ask me why, it's as freaky to me as it is to you...But yeah, the day started of quite well...with you guessed it...SMS's!! Yay!! How good is it seriously! I have an awesome bunch of friends. Then the day progressed by raiding the stocking and opening presents. Breakfast I hear you say? Pfft what of it! We went to my aunty's for lunch and tea, which was ok, but the best part of my day was definitely 6:30am to 12:00pm ish.

New Years was another highlight, we had a friends and family party at my aunty's place, but there's not so much to talk about that day. Went swimming against caution, but it was ok, coz my ears didn't play up...(long story, I'll only tell it if you seriously POST me on the subject!!)

We went to the beach on the final night for tea, and played boche in the sand, there were all these little crabs running around! So cute!! Yep, anyway...We walked along the beach for about an hour. I love it!!

The rest of the time was basically spent watching movies, or shopping...(mmm shopping....)

Then packing started...and the long trip home...and here I am! Woot.

Cheerio, D-Man