Sunday 19 February 2006

Through it all

Woot! New layout! Was getting...not bored...but close, with the old one. So yeah, new look to my MSN space. How good is it, ohmygoodness, ohmygoodness and all that.

Well, the crap has definitely hit the fan as the saying goes. I feel that I'm in the right spot, and that this is a trial by fire. I believe that I'm believing the right things, holding onto the right things, but at the moment, nothing could be further from my reality. I'm holding onto God's promises for me, and staying in the center of His will. As Maximus puts it "...all else is shadows and dust...all else is dust and air..." Nothing else is more important to me at the moment than being right with God.

Being me, I've written a new poem, yes it is are all my poems, but also not the entire truth, as are all poems. I've been praying hardcore for the last week and a half, and I know that God is going to pull through for me, it's just a matter of time...even so, I pray that it won't be long. Being in this place sucks hardcore.

Through it all, I am yours
Know that I love you evermore
Even when it doesn't seen to shine
Know that you are mine

When the rains come along
I will always always hold on
Even when things all go wrong
Never stop singing our song

Through it all, You are mine
I'll hold onto you, with love divine
When the winds blow us apart
I will come back to your heart

Just hold on, stay strong
It now won't be long
God will get us through
This time of solitude

Hold me in the arms of love
So warm and secure, God above
In His wisdom placed us here
So there is nothing to fear

It is simply a test, a trial by fire
To show that it's you I desire
I will never, ever let you go
Because I love you so

You are so beautiful
There's nothing comparable
It is simply you I adore
Only you and nothing more

Failures come and victories go
Time crawls and life slows
But you and I will always remain
Apart now, but together again

Through it all, I am here
Waiting for you, almost near
Though it all, hold onto me
On wings of eagles so free

For love will make us fly
High above, in to the sky
Away from all troubles and things below
Forever hold on, forever hope

1 Corinthians 13: 4-8a; 11; 13
"4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 8 Love never fails.... 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. 13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
Numbers 6: 24-26
"24 The Lord bless you, and keep you, 25 may His face shine on you, and be gracious to you. 26 The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace."

Oh and Detour 180's song "I'm For You", has some of the coolest does Mercy Me's "The Love of God" but I'll save that for next blog entry.

Whats a boy to do, searching for the heart of You
Reaching out again, searching for the invisible God
Who knows knows my every tear
Who holds my every fear

I'm for you, and I'll hold you until the end of time
I gave it all for you, from wounded hands of love divine
I'm for you, I'm for you

Cheerio, D-Man

Proverb: "If you are scared to fail then you will never attempt anything."

Wednesday 15 February 2006

Life and lack of passion

Well, things have dropped substantially since my last entry. I'm starting to feel like a yo yo. Everything starts good in the morning and by the end of the day I'm either smashed physically, mentally or emotionally. I seem to be a glutton for punishment..or a dupe, either way I'm stuffed. The last three weeks have just worn me down to the point where I'm barely holding on enough to care about anything anymore. I'm not finding joy in my friendships, in my music, there's simply a lack of passion in my life at the moment. And I really don't know what to do about it. Feels like all my life I've been living behind a buffer and now finally that buffer has been taken away

Through it all, God's really been challenging my faith, to simply trust that He has everything under control even when your entire world has gone to crap. So...that's what I gotta do. Keep holding onto His promises. I've cracked a number of times already, it's only been because of my best mate that I've gotten this far. The best part is...I can see things getting a lot worse before they get better. Kinda sucks for me.

Things to look forward to:
The weekend
The end of this period in my life
Hanging with my mates
Worshiping God

I think that's about it.

I've realized over the last few weeks that no one actually reads this anymore, so yeah...if your reading it, you get a gold star, you're one of the faithful few.

Cheerio, D-Man

Monday 13 February 2006

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's day! Woot for love hearts, roses, chocolates, and all things pink, red, or fluffy! Yep.

Well, what's been happening in my life you say? I could tell you but, I'm not really in the mood today. Let's just say youth band has started back up and it's good. God is awesome and youth group's awesome, and church is awesome...even my future wife's awesome (so I believe :P) short everything is awesome, except for two things, which I'm currently praying about...Not for public consumption..yet, anyway, sorry about the length and lack thereof of this, my blog entry.

Oh and while I'm at it..."I'm For You" by Detour 180 is the BEST song eva! omygosh omygosh and all that. Seriously though, gives me the chills every time I hear it... Chorus is as follows:

I'm for you, I'll hold you til the end of time
Save it all for you, from wounded hands, I'll love divine
I'm for you, I'm for you

Yeah...God's personal valentine to us, how totally beyond awesome is it!

And now for my random statement of the day. I...really really...miss camp, damn it! It hasn't really hit me this year as much as any of the others...until now....erk...must concentrate.

Cheerio, D-Man

Tuesday 7 February 2006

Life as of the 8th

Well, here we are again. At last, I thought we wouldn't make it...there were some times when I thought we were done for but God pulled us through. I've been wanting to tell you...

If only it was as easy as it is when looking at it in the past. I've had a really rough week this week. I feel like I've been walking on a knife edge and it's only been getting worse. Through it all I've been feeling that God is just saying hold on, you can make it, focus on Me and My promises for you, but damn it can be hard to have faith sometimes.

This week, just about everything is suddenly...blah...right in my face. It's not the most pleasant feeling in the world.

I've come to a small realization that God is in total control...not that I didn't know it before but you ever know something and then it clicks? Well it's like that. I still don't know that He's in TOTAL control...if I did, I would have total faith and that would be awesome...but over my lifetime He's slowly bringing me round. So yeah, I'm holding on, still, until He comes through for me. I mean how awesome is it that, despite everything we think we go through...God's got it all planned out for you already, and even when things don't work out, He's got more ahead for you than you could ever imagine!

Piano still rocks. I've been getting it to the point where I can actually play not to badly and it Yeah. I still enjoy drums better though. More and more I can see where my life is should be fun!

I've decided I need to really get stuck into the Bible. Since the end of last year some time I've really been having trouble finding time to read it...and I think that's what half of my problem is. So yeah. At least half an hour a day if I can.

I've also decided to start on a regime of sit-ups and push-ups everyday. No reason..that I want to say :P

Cheerio, D-Man

Proverb: "Life is incomplete without love."