Sunday 2 April 2006

Autumn comes

New poem... yeah... not much to say at the moment... Stay tuned (hehe) for music in the background...

You remind me of a childhood time
Playing in the park in Autumn
The wind blew with clouds in the sky
And rains blotted the sun
The overwhelming smells of oak
Filled the air with color
Whisping around like faint smoke
Without a care or d'ruther

Grey was the color in the air
And gold were the leaves
Falling ever so gently there
To the ground from the trees
They littered the ground
Making patterns in the grass
And swishing sounds
Until the very last

I as a boy, would play here
Romping around in my boots
Nothing to lose, nothing to fear
Proud of myself to the roots
Memories only, remains now
I am now not the same
Times change and boys grow
But you and I remain

Cheerio, D-Man

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