Wednesday 23 July 2008


What IS perfection? We can strive for it or despise it, but do we truly know what it is? Is it even possible that humans can know what it is? Can we even imagine?

People talk about perfect moments, perfect jobs, perfect days, perfect sunsets, but they are all transient. Is perfection transient? Is all we will ever see of perfection in our lives, glimpses, that are fleeting at best?

What would a perfect life be? One where we could do anything we wanted without consequence? One where nothing ever went wrong? One where we would always be happy?

Why do we always in our hearts search for perfection, knowing that we will never find it on this earth? Is it because perfection cannot be defined by humans? Or maybe that perfection is beyond humanity? Maybe that perfect is beyond this earth?

C.S. Lewis, a great scholar and thinker of his time, wrote, (paraphrased) "If we as human beings are constantly searching for something not of this world, then perhaps we were not meant for this world."

If we are not meant for this world, then why are we here? Were things different once? Were things perfect once? What happened? Did we screw it up? God knows it's entirely possible, we are after all, only human.

Just as importantly, where are we meant for? Is there a place that perfection can be found and not just for a moment, a day, but for an eternity? Is it even possible?

These are the questions that have no answer without God. If there is no belief of something greater, then this is all we have and this is all we'll ever be. Stuck for the rest of our lives striving for something impossible to attain.

And yet, despite everything, despite the pain it brings us, something within our very souls will always look for more. Despite how hard we try and deny the possibility of a God, despite how hard our hearts become in this life, we will never truly quiet the unrest of our hearts, searching for more, searching for perfection.

Does this mean that God is the key to perfection?

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