Wednesday 31 October 2007

Update on life

Well it seems like months since I last blogged... wait, it HAS been months! This year is already nearing an end. It feels like everything has been put on hold for the year. After last year, where everything happened and kept happening, it's almost been a blessing just to take a year off, but in all honesty I also feel like I haven't made much progress. Old habits die hard as the saying goes, and I'm finding this exceptionally true, much as I fight against them more and more.

Ever so slowly I have been rediscovering God throughout the year, although sometimes I feel that the small amount of progress must be frustrating for us both. Since moving I have felt a freedom that I never really felt before while living down south, and the amount of acceptance I have been shown has amazed me.

I've realized that the healing process is a slow one. You get to a point where you think that you've moved on and then something will trigger a painful memory and you are right back where you started.

I still have a long, long way to go to letting my heart completely open up, and the journey scares the hell out of me. All I can say is please don't give up on me, because thats the only way I'll ever make it.

1 comment:

Angeleyes said...

Huggles. I believe in you.