Sunday 15 October 2006

Egads! Not another survey!

Gender: Male
Status: Single
Age: 20
Sign: Gemini? I think...not to sure, don't really go for star signs

The answers to all of lifes questions.

Random Qs

High School: Was heaps good
Primary School: Yeah, was ok, for a fringe kid I did aight
Favourite Soda: Creamy Soda
Favourite fruit: At the moment, it would have to be banana...I've had dreams, sooo good
Favourite weather: Warm, slightly winding, with storm clouds on the horizon...balisimo

Do You:
Like someone: As friends, I like everyone
Want more piercings: Nope
Want a tattoo: Nope

Person talked to in person?: Hmm...Justin, my boss
Person talked to/texted on the phone?: Widget on the phone
Person you hung out with: Everyone
Movie watched: The DaVinci Code (CRAP!!)
Last movie saw in theatre: Lady in the Water

Ever cried over a girl or boy: Yeah
Ever had a friend die: Nope
Ever dated: Never
Ever finished a puzzle: Duh! Everyone's finished at least 1 puzzle in their life
Ever had surgery: Do stiches count?
Ever hated someone: Not really...hate is such a strong word

Pick one:
Blue or red?: Blue
Spring or Fall?: Autumn

Random stuff:
Do you speak a different language?: A little bit of french..not enough to be coherent..I mainly specialize in accents and voices
How old do you act?: 20 maybe? 17 at the least
Braces: Nope
Do you have any pets?: Fish, cats...that's about it
Mood?: Bored

The 400000000000000000 W's Questions:
Who is in the room with you?: My work mates
Who is the girl/guy you like?: I'll let God decide that one
Who was the last girl/guy you told I love you?: Definately mum, she's awesome
Who gets on your nerves the most from school?: Well, since I'm not actually at school anymore, I guess that lets me off the hook for that one
What was the last thing you ate?: Timtam
What was the last thing you drank?: Orange juice
What colour pants are you wearing?: Slightly faded black jeans
What is the closest item near you that is blue?: Mizone bottle
What are you wearing on your feet?: Runners
What instant messaging service do you use? MSN.
What do you wear more, jeans or shorts?: Jeans
What do you currently hate? Old habits and lethargy
When is your birthday? June 13
Where is your cell phone?: On the desk in front of me
Where do you sleep? In my room, usually
Where did you get the shirt you are wearing? Birthday present from Grandma
Where did you take you last take a car ride to? Home



You must answer every question... with the TRUTH!

1). Is there someone who you like at the moment?

2). Have you ever given or been given roses?
Wanted to

3). What is your all time favorite romance movie?
At the moment? Probably The Notebook or Romeo and Juliet

4). How many times can you honestly say you've been in love?
Depends on your definition of love doesn't it...

5). Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?

6). Do you think that you should become friends with someone first?
Hell yeah

7). Have you ever had your heart broken?

8). What do you think about long-distance relationships?
I think that unless the couple are really commited, long distance relationships don't work and even then not for very long

9). Your thoughts on online relationships?

10). Would you rather date someone five years older or five years younger?
Well, I don't date, but if I did, I'd be easy, except atm probably older because younger would make then 15....wrong much?

11). Have you ever seen a friend as more than a friend?

12). Do you believe the statement, "Once a cheater always a cheater?"

13). How many kids do you want to have?
Probably at least 3

14). Do you usually fall for a wrong boy/girl or the right boy/girl?
Well the chances of falling for the right one is about 1 in a couple hundred of million so, I guess I keep falling for the wrong one until God reveals the right one aye.

15). What is your favorite colour(s)?
Depends on my mood

16). What are your views on gay marriage?

17)Have you ever broken someone's heart?
I hope not, but probably

18). Imagine you're 79 & your spouse just died, would you re-marry?
Probably not

19). At what age did you start noticing the opposite sex?
Probably around 10 or so...

20)what song do you want to hear at your wedding?
Haven't decided yet...everytime I think of marriage it seems further and further I've stopped thinking about it in the hopes that it'll come quicker ;)


Do you have the following in your room:

[ ] desk
[ ] condoms
[x] lamps
[x] cell phone
[x] stool
[ ] book shelf
[x] dresser
[x] computer / laptop
[ ] bean bag
[x] pictures
[ ] mirror
[x] skateboard
[x] bed
[x] clothes on the floor
[ ] plastic flamingo
[ ] surfboard
[ ] lava lamp
[ ] smoke detector
[ ] piano/keyboard
[ ] locking door
[ ] can of soda
[ ] bottle of water/gatorade
[ ] a blacklight
[ ] medals/ribbons
[ ] trophies
[x] awards
[ ] water polo ball
[ ] soccer ball
[ ] volleyball
[ ] basketball
[x] softball stuff
[ ] track gear
[ ] frisbee
[ ] beach ball
[ ] football
[x] tennis ball
[ ] hockey stuff
[ ] gymnastics stuff
[ ] dance stuff
[ ] horseback riding stuff
[x] swim stuff
[x] cd's
[ ] Digital Camera
[ ] sofa/futon/round chair
[ ] bottles of liquor
[ ] flag
[ ] stop sign/any sign
[ ] caution tape
[ ] paintball gun
[x] airsoft gun
[ ] real Gun
[ ] cigarettes
[ ] candle(s)
[x] books
[ ] nintendo
[ ] playstation
[ ] playstation 2
[ ] game Cube
[ ] xbox
[ ] bike
[x] stereo
[ ] lighter
[ ] visine
[ ] your Mum
[ ] gum

How many windows do u have in ur room..

What is the color of your walls?
White / cream

hardwood floor, tile, or carpet?

Do you get ready for the day in your room or the bathroom?

Is your room big?
I've had bigger


A N S W E R - T R U T H F U L L Y

1. Do you like anyone?: Nope
2. Do they know it? I don't know, why don't you ask them?
3. Simple or complicated? Simple for me

IN - T H E - L A S T - M O N T H - H A V E - Y O U

4. Had sex: Not married yet
5. Bought something: Yep
7. Been hugged?: Nope
8. Felt stupid?: When do I not
9. Talked to an ex: Don't have any
10. Missed someone: Yep
11. Failed a test: Nope
13. Danced: Nope
14. Gotten your hair cut?: Nope
15. Lied: Probably, I can't remember


16. Nervous habits?: Chewing my lip
17. Are you double jointed?: Pinky fingers
18. Can you roll your tongue?: Who can't?
19. Can you raise one eyebrow?: Yep
20. Can you cross your eyes?: Yep
21. Do you make your bed daily?: Really should start doing that again
22. Do you think you are unique?: Everyone's unique

H A V E - Y O U - E V E R'S

23. Said "I Love you": Yes
24. Given money to a homeless person: Nope
25. Smoked?: Nope
26. Waited all night for a phone call?: Nope
27. Snuck out?: Yep
28. Sat and looked at the stars?: Yep


29. Do you swear/curse?: Nope
30. Do you ever spit?: Depends on wether I have been doing strenuous excersize or not...for the most part, no.
31. You cook your own food?: Cooking is the shiznit
32. You do your own chores?: Most of them
33. You like beef jerky?: Never had it
35. You're happy with your life?: Sometimes
36. You own a dog?: I hate dogs with a passion
37. You spend your money wisely?: Once upon a time...
38. Do you like to swim?: Can't swim to well, not enough fat to keep me up
39. When you get bored do you call a friend: Sometimes

D O - Y O U - P R E F E R'S

41. Flowers or angels?: Flowers
42. Gray or black?: Black
43. Color or black and white photos?: Color usually
44. Lust or love?: What kind of a question is that? Love of course
45. Sunrise or sunset?: Haven't really seen to many good sunsets and haven't really seen to many sunrises, but they've all been fabulous
46. M&Ms or Skittles? Skittles all the way actually depends on wether I'm in the mood for chocolate or fruit
48. Staying up late or waking up early?: Both...erg
49. Being hot or cold?:'s easier to warm up than cool down
50. Winter or Fall?: Autumn
51. Left or right?: Left
52. Having 10 acquaintances or 2 best friends?: Depends on the mood
53. Sunshine or rain?: Rain, as long as it's not too cold


Sleep in a bed of the opposite sex?: Nope
Hooked up in the woods?: Nope
Drank a bottle of alcohol by yourself?: Nope
Hooked up in the shower?: Nope
Been Dumped?: Nope
Stolen money from a friend? Nope
Slept naked?: Nope
Been in a fist fight?: So young and naive
Snuck out of your house?: Yep
Had a crush on a teacher?:
Seen someone die?: Only on video...kinda disturbing
Been on an airplane? So boring!
Slept all day?: Haha, yes..woke up and thought to myself, gee what a waste of a day
Missed someone so much it hurt?: Yep
Fallen asleep during school? Once or twice
Been lonely?: Who hasn't
Cheated in a game?: Cheated in PC games...and card games, not seriously though
Been to the ER?: Nope
Been in a car accident?: Nope
Had detention?: Nope
Missed your first love?: Well, if I have a first love it would be safe to surmise that I'd miss her aye?
Cried yourself to sleep?: Not to sleep, but just before sleep
Sung in the shower?: All the time
Kissed a complete stranger?:
Laughed so hard you cried?: A little
Cheated on a bf/gf?: That's just evil
Regretted hurting someone?: I'd be a tool not to
Regretted loving someone?: Yes
Been SUPER happy?: Once or twice


Best and worst

Best, Worst, Last, Today, Tomorrow, Favorite, Currently, and True or False.

1. Male friend: Widget

2. Female friend: Probably Erica

3. Vacation: much as I hate the weather, got some really good memories up there.

1. Time of day: Around 6ish

2. Day of the Week: Saturday or Sunday

3. Food: Any type mexican first and foremost, followed closely by italian...nothing beat those two!

4. Memory: Banging my head on the corner of a wooden chair at creche when I was about 2

1. Person you saw (not related): Justin

2. Talked to on the phone: Widget
3. Text: Hmmm...haven't had credit for about 3 months...probably Matty

4. IMed: Matty

5. Messaged over MySpace: Erica


1. What are you doing now: Typing this, silly

2. What are you wearing?: Black jeans and navy t-shirt...

3. Better than yesterday?: Definately not


1. Is: Tuesday

2. Got any plans: Get through the day, go to young adults
3. Dislikes about tomorrow: Work


1. Number: 7

2. Song for the moment: At the moment? Probably Guy Sebastian's new single Taller, Stronger, damn awesome

3. Color: Black

4. Season: Autumn


1. Missing someone: Nope

2. Mood: Bored / Confused

3. Wanting:

True or False:

I am a cuddler.
Very true, you just haven't seen it because I'm not married

I am a morning person.

I am a perfectionist.

I am an only child.

I am currently in pyjamas.

I am currently single.
True, and waiting for the perfect one

I am currently suffering from a broken heart.

I am online 24/7.
False, more like 9/6

I can be paranoid at times.

I currently regret something that I have done
False, I find it better to get on with life and not regret things. Everyone has mistakes, it's better to learn from them than dwell on them.

When I get mad, I curse frequently

I enjoy country music.
Depends on my mood

I love smoothies.
True, but only good ones

I enjoy talking on the phone.
Depends on whether or not I phoned or they phoned. If they phoned then yes, love talking, if I phoned then I absolutely hate it

I have a crush.
Nope, over crushes

I have a hard time paying attention at school.
Depended on the lecturer, but I think I did alright

I have a hidden talent.
Probably, how would I know until it reveals itself, and when it does that, it won't be hidden anymore will it?

I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.
Who doesn't

I have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" girl/guy.
Since there is only 1 right person in the entire world, I think chances are good that I'll fall for the wrong one...

I have all my grandparents.

I have at least one brother/sister.

I have been told that I have a sense of humor.

I have broken a bone.

I have changed a diaper.

I have changed a lot over the past year

I have done something illegal.
True, nothing serious though

I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color

I have had major/minor surgery

I have had my hair cut within the last 2 months.

I have had the cops called on me.


YOU OPENED IT. YOU DO IT. How well do you know the 1st person on your Top 8?

1. First name?

2. Age:

3. boy or girl?
Guy long youve known this person?
2 years

5. Are you related to them?
We're brothers

6. Have you ever slept in the same bed as this person??

7. How often do you see this person?
Most of the time

8. When was the last time you talked to them?
Just before via email

9. Are you two best friends?

10. How did you meet this person?

11. When are you going to see them?
Wednesday probably

12. Whats their favorite band?
He likes many bands...some of the cd's in his case are Crowded House, Live, Fuel, 3 Doors Down, Third Day, United, etc.

13. Whats your favorite memory of this person?
Hmm...that's a toughy, probably the very first drive I ever had with him is pretty good.

14. Does this person have a crush on anyone?
Don't think so

15. Is this person single or taken?

17. Is this person important to you?
Pretty important

and now, for you to answer;


1.Your Full Name:
---> Damian Gordon Gray

2. Age & Birthday:
---> 20, 13 June

3. Favorite Color?
---> Black

4. Favorite Movie:
---> Gladiator, all time favorite

5. Favorite Song:
---> To many for you to comprehend

6. Favorite Band:
---> See above...

7. Most Embarassing Moment:
---> Erg...too many to pick one in particular

8. Are you a virgin?
---> Yes and proud of it

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