Saturday 26 April 2008

Sirens and Their Songs

Shattered dreams and bitter ends
All come to collect their dividends
Security a word with no deep heart
Nothing to gain, no ends to start

Heart strings attached and snipped
The skys fall as my wings are clipped
Wrath and thunder both loudly roar
As lightning lights the stormy shore

Sirens sing their lonely songs
Luring sailors to death fore long
And in this time of solitude
I think back, and reflect on you

What could have been or what will be
This question never ends, haunting me
I cannot see through darkness now
Until time passes and night fades out

Monday 7 April 2008

We Two

I stand here all alone and darkness surrounds
How did I get in this mess? This utter wretched hell?
The demons laugh and torment,mocking my pain
Leaving nothing, no humanity, driving me insane

The painful hours, turn into day, months and years
And slowly but surely, I begin to succumb to my fears
I turn one day, in my dark hole and begin to notice
A so small, very faint light, appeared in the distance

I was scared at first, being used to the pitch dark
Fearing that the light would strip me, leave me stark
But over the months, I began to accept in my pain
A faint, true companion, something to keep me sane

Each day the light grew closer, shining more and more
The demons that mocked, shrunk away, fleeing before
All the while, my eyes adjusted, not able to see
That the light moving closer, held arms out to me

Nestled within those arms of light, was comfort and warmth
Filling my barren heart with more than I ever thought
But this sense of peace in the dark was not meant to last
The hands enfolded mine, and led me through the past

Eventually, the days got brighter, and the darkness faded
And the warm light, started to melt my heart, so jaded
Until that day when all of the black, simply slipped away
And I found myself, in the bright, sunlit light of day

Blinded and in fear, I automatically turned and ran
Fear hid my soul, and heart away from loving hands
Arms embraced me then, telling me that all was alright
I turned, and the light had faded as returned my sight

Into another, just like me, and yet different also
Who stared, saw darkness, and yet loved though
They slowly led me away, from the dark that lay behind
And took me away into lands that light shined

The darkness followed at a distance, afraid of light
Whispering ever so subtly, that it was good and right
That I should return to the dark, for none to see
And there I would be clothed, and there be free

My lover comforted me, drawing me away
Promising also that they would forever stay
The darkness slowly began to fade it's black themes
Eventually only coming, in my darkest of dreams

I woke up from a sweat after each episode
Into the arms of my lover on this long road
Through comfort and love and trust in grace
We walked together through life's race

You may think that this tale is surely done
But I and my lover can assure you it has just begun
Many days of walking this road yet remain, many stones
Before this journey ends, and we are finally home

There is joy in the journey, as we walk together
Arm in arm we go, free, not tied or tethered
And tears also flow, as we knock on wood
But smiles abound, for the journey is good