Sunday 11 December 2005

These blues, shopping and BBQ's

I am on a real downer at the moment. It started on Friday and it's just been there in the background. I know it's not cool, but I really don't know what to do about it. I got my results back. Failed one subject. Really sucks if I can't change my lecturer's mind, coz I'll have to go back to uni for another six months to do 1 subject. Erk. I really just don't know what to do anymore, and it's frustrating because I should. I suppose the only thing really to do is get into God.

I see myself slipping further and further away from what should be, without anyway of changing. I've been getting really frustrated with everything lately, getting cut really easily, and I know it's not a good thing, but I just can't seem to do anything about it. Switchfoot's song - These Blues off their Nothing is Sound album sums it up rather nicely. 'Is this the new year, or just another desperation. Is there anything at all besides these blues.'

Going to have Youth Band break-up tomorrow. Should be pretty good, we're doing a kris-kringle BBQ, I've been pumped all week for it, but at the moment, all I really want to do is go home and sleep. I have to do my Christmas shopping sometime this week before I go up to Brisbane to see my folks. Should be fun...I like shopping, what can I say? Yeah, word for the day: Hebeashebea...was being spontaneous. It seems to be what I do best. :P

Cheerio, D-Man

Sunday 4 December 2005

Smashed upside the face

Isn't it amazing how so often we can get caught up in our own lives, unaware of things happening around us, and then all of a sudden our protective bubble gets smashed and all we have left to hold on to is the promises of God? Hmmm...yeah, well that's happened to me this week. Stuff I thought I could handle, I obviously can't and now I keep dwelling on it instead of giving it to God. Kinda sucks for me I suppose, I'm pretty smashed at the moment and have given any expectations for the future back to God. I have no idea what to do, except trust that God will get me through this.

In other news, I'm going up to Brisbane for two weeks over Christmas, kinda looking forward to seeing the folks and dreading the weather at the same time, but hey. Anyway, sorry to bog you down with all that.

Until next time, D-Man