Monday 30 May 2005

'Those' times

God is good. This I know. Despite everything else I can hold onto that fact and trust that He has everything in hand. It is very challenging sometimes trying to surrender to Him but not even knowing the first step, or sub-consciously denying the fact, but I'll get there.

Heard the song "Chosen as Mine" by Hillsong? Awesome song, the chorus goes:

Cries in the desert, My child, I hear them
Tears in the valley, My lovely, I count them
You're so precious; you were on My mind as I died
I love you still, always will
Chosen as Mine

Suppose I'm just going through one of 'those' times at the moment, ah well. Better next entry ;)

Tuesday 24 May 2005

Best Line in any song

Exams soon. Almost finished my assignments (finally!!). Crossover tonight, should be interesting. The best line in any song, from Further by Pillar: 'I'm further; further from myself; when I'm next to You; when I run to You'.

Wednesday 18 May 2005


Hmm lets see, got a helluva lot of work still to do, but got some of it out of the way. Illuminus still rocks, drums...needs more practice as usual, I think I've entered full work mode now, don't need as much sleep, can work for 9 hours straight and still have energy at the end of the day..woot :) Exams soon *shudder* Check out my black and white rendering of an assignment

Monday 2 May 2005

New space

Woot, I have a personal space.

1st blog entry. I'm am getting very sick of uni lifestyle at the moment can't wait for holidays when my brain doesn't overload from 6:30am to 9:30pm every weekday. Youth service last Sunday. Went off! Illuminus just gets better and better every time we get up there. Should get some work done but can't think straight, maybe I'll go and practice drums for a bit, should clear me up. So much to do so little time.

Anyway this blog thing is cool as, way to go Microsoft for giving us yet another technological toy to waste time in :)

Cheers, Damian